Sat 01 Apr 2023 9:48 am - Jerusalem Time

This is how prisoners worship in the month of Ramadan!

Many prisoners in the Israeli occupation prisons are keen to strive to worship during the holy month of Ramadan , and to perform Friday prayers and Tarawih prayers in congregation if they are allowed to do so. However, human rights activists and released prisoners believe that the Israeli occupation prison administration is practicing a clear violation of the prisoners' right to worship, and imposes restrictions on them.

Prisoners worshiped in prisons

In Ramadan, many prisoners intensify their worship. Some of them strive to recite the Holy Qur’an and complete many chapters daily, and some of them strive to memorize the Qur’an, while many are keen to perform prayers on time in congregation with other prisoners inside the rooms, as well as they are keen to perform night prayers and Tarawih prayers. and retreat.

The released prisoner, Muhammad al-Taj, told “The prisoners strive hard to worship in Ramadan, and intensify it, especially in the last ten days of the blessed month.

The prisoners, according to the released prisoner Louay Al-Mansi, are trying to allocate an atmosphere for worship, especially Tarawih, in the rooms, and they only perform the noon and afternoon prayers in the square.

Al-Mansi indicates that public religious circles are prohibited by the occupation prison administration, and only allow Friday sermons, as gatherings for them are prohibited.

Collective worship is a feat for the captives

In the beginnings of the occupation, prisons were not like these days, the restrictions on the prisoners were more, and then things developed gradually, after the struggles of the prisoners to get their rights, and despite that, the occupation authorities still impose restrictions on the prisoners in the field of worship.

The mayor of Hebron, the released prisoner, Tayseer Abu Sneineh, says: "I was released in the eighties of the last century, and before my release I was in Nafha prison, and it was not only a restriction on the worship of prisoners, but the occupation prison administration was preventing Friday prayers, while the Suhoor and Iftar meals were not It did not come to us at the times set for the Han, but rather the prisoners hid it until those times, and in some prisons, these meals came on time.

They are forced to pray in their rooms

The prisoners’ performance of their worship varies, whether obligatory prayers, Tarawih prayers, or Friday prayers, either collectively or individually, according to the nature of the prison in which they are detained. General for all sections of the prison, according to what was explained by the Director General of the Palestinian Prisoners Club, Abdullah Al-Zaghari, in his interview with

In general, according to Al-Zaghari, the procedures of the occupation prison administration against the detainees prevent them from performing religious rituals collectively during the month of Ramadan, except for some cases, and if they are prevented, they are forced to pray inside their rooms.

Sometimes prisoners take protest steps and mobilize in order to force the Israeli occupation prison administration to allow them to perform prayers collectively in the police station, but in many situations they are forced to perform their prayers during the month of Ramadan in their rooms.
Occupation watching their prayers!

According to Al-Zaghari, the restrictions prevail on the prisoners in performing their worship, and the worships are not performed properly and there are obstacles for the prisoners, as the prison administration is mobilized until the end of the prayers. Religious prayers for prisoners, specifically during the holy month of Ramadan, or Friday prayers throughout the year.

Al-Zaghari confirms that the occupation prison administration practices military policies against the prisoners that are not consistent with international agreements at all, which stipulate freedom of worship or religious rituals in general, and impose restrictions on them even if it allows them to perform prayers in congregation in the square of the “Al-Fura” department, and sets a time for them. Determined to end their prayers, which compels them to hasten to recite the Qur’an in prayer, and to abbreviate many matters of worship.

As for the Friday sermon or religious sermons between prayers, the occupation prison administration, according to Al-Zaghari, monitors and records the Friday sermon often, and isolates the Friday sermon for a long time, if what he claims to be affecting his security is addressed! Or he considers it incitement, as the sections of the prisoners who prayed those prayers are stormed, and penalties are imposed on them, while Al-Zaghari indicates that the prisoners are part of the Palestinian people and they talk about what is happening abroad, especially if there are martyrs, which expresses their affiliation.

violation of freedom of worship

The director of the Freedom and Civil Rights Center "Hurriyat", Helmy Al-Araj, confirms that the practices and restrictions by the Israeli prison administration against the worship of prisoners are an attack on the freedom of worship guaranteed by international agreements, especially international humanitarian law, specifically the Fourth Geneva Convention, but the occupation applies some of these Convention and other minimum.

Al-Araj says: "The occupation always seeks to tighten the screws on the captive movement, and that any right they obtain is through struggle, strikes, protests and "disobedience", until any right is accepted, but the administration of the occupation prisons turns against any agreements, and at any opportunity retracts from it. right that has been taken away.

Al-Araj explains that the occupation prison administration practices restrictions with regard to the worship of prisoners, and in the event that collective prayer that is related to the rituals of the month of Ramadan is allowed, the occupation uses it as a means of collective punishment, as restrictions are imposed on the number of prisoners, and during prayers, especially Friday prayers, tension prevails. The prison administration prohibits prayer, and may cancel its permission for long periods, in case it does not like anything, or perhaps for no reason.

Al-Araj indicates that the occupation prison administration often does not allow the usual form of performing Tarawih prayers, as prisoners are not allowed to move between prison sections, especially at night, and are often allowed individually, while he notes that Friday prayers are allowed, but mostly with limited numbers, and may be canceled prayer for any reason.

For his part, the head of the Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, Major General Qadri Abu Bakr, confirms that the Israeli occupation prison administration, after the recent agreement with the captive movement, has restored things as they were with regard to the aspect of worship for the prisoners.

It is noteworthy that, according to the Prisoners’ Association, the occupation forces are detaining (4,800) prisoners in (23) prisons and detention and investigation centers, including (29) female prisoners in “Damon” prison, and among the total number of prisoners are (170) children. As minors, they are imprisoned in (Ofer, Megiddo, and Damon) prisons.


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This is how prisoners worship in the month of Ramadan!