Wed 29 Mar 2023 12:53 pm - Jerusalem Time

The family of the prisoner, Hassan Maraba, is experiencing the month of Ramadan amidst great sadness over his absence

"My father, do not sleep and wait for me. I ask the Lord of the Worlds to give me the strength to break the glass of the prisons and bring you to our house, to spend the month of Ramadan and all the days with us. I am sad for your separation." Hassan Maraba, 46, on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, which she received with her mother and four brothers, deprived of their father, who is still detained and detained in the Israeli "Megiddo" prison.

And her mother added: "My daughter could not bear our tears, our grief, and our constant pain since the beginning of Ramadan, so she wrote this letter to send it to his father. Since his arrest, despite her young age, she has not stopped expressing her longing and pain through writing that draws her thoughts alone and expresses all of us."

And she continues: "Because she is attached to her father like the rest of her brothers, they always miss their father, and they cannot forget him, and every day she cries for his separation and his distance from her, especially in the holy month."

From the village of Fahma in Jenin Governorate, the 46-year-old prisoner, Hasan "Abu Ali", hails from and dedicates his life to his wife and his family consisting of 4 members, the eldest of whom is 17 years old and the youngest 7 years old. His companion, Rana Maraba, says: "Since our marriage, he works and dedicates himself to live a beautiful and stable life." Amna, he filled the lives of his children with all love, and had nothing to do with politics or affiliation with an organization.

And she adds: "At about two o'clock in the morning on January 11, 2023, the soldiers stormed our house, detained us and isolated us in one room until the search campaign ended, sabotaging and destroying all the contents, and after confiscating the cell phones that were not returned to us until today, they took my husband from us." .

And she adds: "Without taking into account the presence of children, and their horror at the sight of the soldiers, they handcuffed their father and blindfolded him, prevented us from saying goodbye, and arrested him in the midst of our shock and transferred him to military patrols, noting that my husband suffers from a difficult health condition, he has discs and pains that do not stop in the back and joints, and he suffers from Ulcers in the stomach and colon, and imprisonment exacerbated the complications of his condition.

Umm Ali stated that the occupation forces detained her husband for more than a month in torture cells in "Al-Jalama" prison, during which time there was no news of him, and they refused to allow the lawyer to enter the medicines he was taking. After the investigation was over, they transferred him to "Megiddo" prison, and the court still refuses to release him. After 7 sessions, his detention was extended until 16-5-2023.

And she added: "For the first time we live the atmosphere of Ramadan without my husband and his children. Sadness overshadows us and we see it in their eyes whenever they see their father's place empty, and difficult moments we live at the Ramadan table, and this atmosphere is very different from the previous Ramadans that he lived with us and spent with obedience to God Almighty."

And she continued: “We hope that this difficult and difficult period in our lives will end, as the Ramadan table is without taste or flavor, and we spent the time praying and then praying to be with us soon, God willing.”


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The family of the prisoner, Hassan Maraba, is experiencing the month of Ramadan amidst great sadness over his absence