

Wed 15 Mar 2023 10:03 pm - Jerusalem Time

They are American and Israeli human rights!

Written by: Attorney Ibrahim Shaaban

The American and Israeli official and unofficial media outlets were and still are, declaring morning and evening and tirelessly repeating a big lie, which is that both of them are pioneers in the field of human rights, and the beacon of freedoms for all countries of the earth, and that they constitute the vanguard that protects public rights and freedoms in the world. I gather, and that they formed and placed the greatest guarantees for human rights from the judiciary, public prosecution, intelligence and police, and they have the civilization and purity to ensure that human matter. ‏
Two regimes based on robbing the people of the original homeland, including its land, water, oil, trees, construction, even its silver and gold, stripping it of its national, familial and social roots, and denying it its right to elect a ruling regime to determine its own destiny and sovereignty over its natural resources and national wealth. Two regimes were invented from the reasons and arguments for a long-term colonization of the homeland of the original people, so they established colonies and settlements, plundered lands, homes, real estate, and stores, and deported, imprisoned, exiled, and deported their leaders to the unknowns of history.
Two regimes based on the principle of racial discrimination and inequality between their subjects in all fields and sectors, whether they adopted appointment or election as a method, despite the American constitutional text and an affirmation of what is called the National Law. Non-white minorities in America, Christians and Muslims, Negroes and Mexicans, Arabs or Indians, are still practicing hateful racial discrimination against them, and legal texts have not reformed American souls. As for the Israeli entity, every law is based on discriminatory racist application, and there is nothing wrong with that. The Anglo-Saxon penal system applied in both systems, which permits the collection of these lives, is inhumane. Rather, it despises and denies the human self, and contradicts the foundations of reform and modern schools of social defence.
Two reckless regimes that do not obey the rule of international law with all its rules in times of peace and war, and see in their laws rules that transcend international law and its provisions by land, sea and air. This is not evidenced by the size of the attacks they committed against the countries of the world, in the past and present. They both rejected criminal responsibility for the actions of their soldiers in their breaches, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and aggression, when they rejected the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and did not ratify the Rome Statute of 1998, while the United States was the pioneer in drafting the London Pact for the trial of Nazi and Japanese war criminals In the Nuremburg and Tokyo trials, as happened recently with the martyr Sherine Abu Aqelah, and not prosecuting the perpetrator, but evading responsibility. ‏
Two regimes established the most heinous system of torture and adopted it as a method to extract information from prisoners and captives, so they called it the ugliest system of human behavior on the level of humanity. Israel called it "moderate physical pressure," and America called it "advanced interrogation techniques." The 1983 Torture Prohibition was drafted by the United Nations at American urging. How horrible the two regimes carried out the worst horrors of torture and are still committing this inhumane behavior that surpasses all what other regimes do and all credible human rights organizations testify to. They did this through unlimited procedures, unrestricted budgets, absolute powers and immunities for actors, partners, instigators and intervenors, and legislative and judicial protection. Their actions testify to the ugliness of their actions, and their torture at all levels, in all places, in all techniques, and by all means and materials, with the help and assistance of doctors, especially psychologists. The article does not allow for the names of those who were tortured and died as a result of torture, whether in American or Israeli prisons
Two political regimes have adopted a policy of extrajudicial killing of their political opponents, regardless of their nationality, and have implemented it by several different means that are inhumane, immoral, unimaginable, and of a brutal nature. This is something that applies to all American and Israeli leaders, regardless of their party, time and place. This basically violated the human right to life and the safety of his body and his members, which are guaranteed by international conventions and the basic rights that they sing about in all forums, places and times. Rather, they killed very innocent people who happened to be with the dead person, such as a child, an old woman, a stabbed sheikh, or a crippled person, or they were by chance in the killing field. They did not have mercy on them, nor did they confess to killing them, nor did they pay compensation for their crime, and they evaded all responsibility and reckoning. Two regimes have become in each of them a politician who decides to end the life of whoever it is just because of a security report from an officer obsessed with killing, charged with hatred and hatred towards a Palestinian or Muslim person.
Two systems believe that they are the good guys in this world and the rest of them are bad. They are the good and others are the bad, and the non-good is only the dead, but they despise others from this world, so tomorrow the American dream and the Nazi Holocaust, and tomorrow that is one of the sanctities that are forbidden to be touched, and it is only permissible to recognize it, and the world must respect the two sayings and advance to serve them and the American dollar And the American economy and even the American debt and American instructions.
The two systems are similar to the existence of a strange thing, which is the prisons, which are supposed to be reform, correction, correction, and recognition of the humanity of the prisoner or prisoner. The United States of America has the largest number of prisons relative to its population, and the most brutal crimes are practiced through them under the noses and eyes of the jailer. The same thing, but in another way, all the rights of the Palestinian prisoners were taken away from the Israeli jailer through struggles, sacrifices and suffering, despite the existence of an international charter that guarantees such rights.
Two regimes share a system of corruption, based on exploitation, greed, plunder, and looting. Some of their leaders are traders in the slave market, and many of them have been prosecuted or charged with financial charges, bribery, rape, immorality, gangs, fraud, forgery, and immoral practices. ‏
They are two regimes that many political regimes are close to. The non-aligned and positive neutral countries and the Soviet Union were absent from the arena, and they complimented them and saw in them care and protection, instead of holding them accountable and asking them to stop their abhorrent practices. She throws some crumbs for her to feed her influential groups. ‏
The world must once again stand firmly and firmly on its feet according to its values and philosophy, which it decided in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and laying down its foundations, in repelling these two savage regimes that violate human rights, but rather prosecute the perpetrators of them to a fair trial for their crimes against humanity, and stop dealing with them. And expelling them from the civilized international system, God helps those who help themselves!!! ‏


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They are American and Israeli human rights!