Wed 15 Mar 2023 9:55 pm - Jerusalem Time

President Abbas at the festival of the late Arafat in Gaza: We will remain together as one hand until we end division and occupation

Gaza - "Jerusalem" dot com - President Mahmoud Abbas stressed, on Thursday evening, the need to end the division and establish a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and confront the occupation's annexation plans.

This came in a speech he delivered during a mass festival of the "Fatah" movement in Gaza, on the eighteenth anniversary of the martyrdom of the late President Yasser Arafat , in the presence of the leaders of the factions and the national and Islamic forces, in Al-Katiba Square, west of Gaza City.

President Abbas said, "Gaza is the impregnable fortress of our national project with our people in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the diaspora," stressing the continuation of following "the approach of Fatah and the approach of the Liberation Organization, the sole and legitimate representative of our people... the approach of Palestinian nationalism, which was enshrined in the consciousness of this great people."

President Abbas stressed that the Palestinian people will remain invincible to defeat and defeat, in the face of the Zionist narrative that attempts to strip our people from their homeland, land and history.

He reiterated that the "Fatah" movement would not accept the continuation of division, and that there would be no Palestinian state in the West Bank without Gaza, and no state in Gaza without the West Bank and Jerusalem.

President Abbas said: "We will not accept anything less than a Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital. This is the trust of President Arafat, and we are committed to achieving it."

He added, "As Abu Ammar repeated: They see it as distant, and we see it as close by the steadfastness of our people."

And he considered that the continuation of the division means the absence of a single geography for the Palestinian state, wondering who benefits from that.

And he continued, "We feel the suffering of our people under the unjust siege, and we try as much as we can to alleviate it for you.. But this pain and torment will not end until the end of the division that has taken our cause steps back and threatens the gains achieved by our people, the price of which was heavy sacrifices of the martyrs and the wounded."

And he continued: "Arafat left a great national legacy that we must preserve... They wanted to divide us and believed that they succeeded in 1948, but we opened our renaissance and our people rose with us despite their massacres and blurred our identity and our cause, and we revived it and crucified its promise... Yasser Arafat handed us the national constants and we adhere to them and will not We give it up, and we said in his farewell, the covenant is the covenant, and the oath is the oath.. We have to be ready for the next stage and thwart the annexation schemes, as we failed them before, and as we thwarted the deal of the century, and we firmly confront attempts to prevent the leadership of the Palestinian state in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem.

He added: "We tell them that we are here to stay and we will not leave, and we will remain adherent to our constants, our independent national decision and the decisions of international legitimacy, and we will continue to reject any dictates from anyone. We will remain together as one hand until we end the division and occupation, and we have nothing but this option and the path, and we will follow it until Jerusalem and raise the flags of Palestine." on our sanctities.

President Abbas concluded his speech: "We will continue the march until we achieve the goal of freedom, independence and an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, the jewel of our crown and the spirit of our patriotism."

The commissioner of the "Fatah" movement in Gaza, and a member of the Central Committee of the movement, Ahmed Helles, delivered a speech in which he said that Gaza was subjected to aggression and siege, but it did not bow its head and remained and will remain proud, and that the late President Yasser Arafat deserves this fulfillment from it, as he was present in every arena, field and event. National.

Hellas added, "Yasser Arafat is the bomber of the revolution and the sponsor of national unity. He paid a price with his life in order to preserve his brothers and fellow fighters."

And he emphasized that our people are united in the face of plans to obliterate our identity and our rights, and that those who think they are alternatives to our people are destined to disappear.

The Fatah leader said, "The time has come for Gaza to be seen for what it deserves. Gaza has paid all the prices and has never given up on its national project. It has never abandoned its role and has never been late in any of our people's battles. Gaza, which represents the pride of the Palestinian people, has no right to It is not permissible for anyone to neglect Gaza and to remain a single martyr whose relatives search for his rights.. The time has come to do justice to all the families of our martyrs, as they are not political classifications, and they are the martyrs of Palestine, all of Palestine.

Hellas added, "There should not be any form of discrimination on the basis of geography, between one place and another, and between one employee and another. All of our people deserve to enjoy the same status. Gaza has the right to take its rights. Gaza does not barter its rights for its national belonging." It cannot barter over its national cause and its sanctities. Gaza has not and will not barter, but it has the right to raise its voice and extract its right.”

He continued, "Everyone should devote themselves to the greatest danger represented by the occupation that targets our land, our people, and our sanctities."

He pointed out that President Abbas made decisions for implementation, but these decisions are up to the parties that are supposed to implement them, and they are decisions related to justice for the people of Gaza, its employees and its martyrs, and they must be implemented.

Hellas stressed the need to end the division by heading for comprehensive elections to turn the page on the division.

He called for the necessity of serious and effective action in order to rekindle hope in future generations, in light of what the current generation is going through, which goes abroad without returning.


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President Abbas at the festival of the late Arafat in Gaza: We will remain together as one hand until we end division and occupation