Wed 15 Mar 2023 9:55 pm - Jerusalem Time

The sister of the prisoner, Muhammad Hamami: It is painful to see them suffer and die in front of us, and we cannot free them

Jenin - "Jerusalem" dot com - Ali Samoudi - As he enters the nineteenth year in the occupation prisons , the patient seventy-year-old Kawthar Hammami, "Umm Muhammad", has nothing but the weapon of patience and supplication to the Lord of the Worlds, to extend her life so that she can live the joy of life with seeing him that was stolen by the occupation Since the arrest of her imprisoned son, Muhammad Zakaria Muhammad Hamami, 42 years old, she says: "Free without restrictions, I hold him in my arms that I miss hugging him so much, and our joys are complete with his long-awaited wedding, despite the husband of my grandchildren, and the presence of 19 grandchildren around me, joy will not enter our home and our lives, as long as Far from us and captive."

In the city of Nablus, Muhammad al-Nour was born in 1978, to be the third in his family of 4 members, whose life the occupation made difficult by repeating his arrests. His sister, Nihad Um Raafat, told “He was born, raised, and raised in his city, Nablus. He learned in its schools, but The occupation arrested him for the first time in 2000, before he took his high school exams, and he spent two years behind bars.

And she adds: "We were almost happy with his freedom and his return to us, when the occupation chased him, and he was arrested again during the second intifada. He was among the resistance fighters in Nablus who were besieged in the Hosh al-Atout area, and after a clash with the occupation, they were all arrested, and he spent 9 months in prison."

After his liberation, Muhammad resumed his life, and began planning for his life and future. He was one of the first young men to open a center for computers and games, in addition to his work and his affiliation with the National Authority. He worked a lot in the field of construction before joining the intelligence service, but the occupation was waiting for him, as his sister tells. Um Raafat, on 11/15/2004, he was arrested in Al-Bathan area, after the occupation forces besieged him in one of the houses, which dozens of soldiers raided and arrested him.

And she adds: "They immediately transferred him to the cellars for investigation, but there was no news of him, and we were unable to reach him and visit him, due to the circumstances, closures, and the invasion of West Bank cities and checkpoints."

She added: "We used to see him in the court sessions in Salem until they sentenced him to life imprisonment, and he moved between all prisons, suffered from punishments, and his health condition was affected due to the conditions of investigation and prisons, and he became suffering from stomach ulcers, and the administration neglected his treatment, which caused him complications." .

Muhammad adapted and got involved in the reality of the captive movement, and participated in the battles of empty stomachs, and challenged, as his sister explains, the prison and the jailer by education. He presented high school 3 times and obtained it successfully, and joined Al-Quds Open University and obtained a bachelor’s degree, and is currently pursuing postgraduate studies and studying for a master’s degree, as well He invested the period of his detention by memorizing the Noble Qur’an, and he took courses in calligraphy and intonation, and he loves to read continuously and continuously.

Despite her pains and illnesses, her mother, Kawthar, continued to visit her beloved in all prisons, and his sister says: "My mother did not sleep on the night of the visit, preparing for it as if it were a feast, for her relationship with Muhammad was strong and distinguished, as well as with all of us. He has a big heart, he meets our needs, and he rejoices to draw a smile in our hearts, but the occupation deprived us of him.”

And she adds: "His absence was a great pain and pain for us on all occasions when we miss him, on holidays and Ramadan, and even in marriage. There was no joy and my mother was looking for him and crying about his absence, and even after she had 16 grandchildren, she was still sad because she wanted to see her grandchildren as children." Mohammed".

And she continues: "When we used to gather at the Ramadan table, my mother would not stop crying and his place was empty, so we spend time praying with her for his freedom and all the prisoners and their salvation from the prisons of injustice."

On the anniversary of independence, Muhammad was arrested and entered a new year behind bars, and his sister says: "We are in pain and sorrow, and the occupation is stealing the flower of their youth and practicing slow killing against them. The fragrance of freedom, and they continue to live in dignity, establish homes, have children, and live like the rest of the people in bliss and dignity.”

And she adds, "Our hope is in the Lord of the Worlds, and we are relying on Him, to honor us with their near freedom, God willing."


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The sister of the prisoner, Muhammad Hamami: It is painful to see them suffer and die in front of us, and we cannot free them