

Wed 15 Mar 2023 9:27 pm - Jerusalem Time

Ben & Jerry's decides to hold talks with Unilever about marketing its products in the settlements

A translation of "Jerusalem" dot com - Ben & Jerry's, the American company, decided to hold talks with the global parent company, Unilever, instead of the lawsuit against it, in order to prevent the marketing of its ice cream in Israeli settlements .

According to the Hebrew website Ynet, the company, Ben & Jerry's, decided to complete the talks within two weeks in an attempt to prevent the parent company from continuing with this step.

The American company considers that marketing its products outside the Green Line is not commensurate with its values, as stated in the lawsuit, and that this undermines the social integrity that Ben & Jerry's has built over decades.

About two weeks ago, he revealed arrangements initiated by the international company aimed at selling Ben & Jerry's products in the settlements through an Israeli company.

Unilever sold Ben & Jerry's business interests in Israel to American Quality Products EQP (AQP), which also acquired exclusive rights to the brand's logo in Hebrew and Arabic, but AQP will have to stop using it. English brands, so that they can continue to sell Ben & Jerry's ice cream in Israeli settlements after the end of this year, when the Ben & Jerry's ban was due to go into effect.

Ben & Jerry's announced last year that it would stop selling its products in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, a reference to Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, but plans to continue its operations in Israel.


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Ben & Jerry's decides to hold talks with Unilever about marketing its products in the settlements