

Wed 15 Mar 2023 9:24 pm - Jerusalem Time

European Union ambassadors visit Ain Samia School, which is threatened with demolition

Ramallah - "Jerusalem" dot com - Representatives, ambassadors and consuls of the European Union visited today, Friday, the Ein Samia School , east of Ramallah, in protest against the decision of the Central Occupation Court in Jerusalem, issued last Wednesday, to demolish it immediately.

The representative of the European Union in Palestine, Sven Kun von Burgsdorff, said, "This is not the first visit in which we meet in protest against the occupation's decisions, and Israel, as an occupying power, must respect the right to education under international law and relevant international agreements, and guarantee the right of Palestinian children in Area C." ", Gaza, and the rest of the regions, to reach their schools easily."

He stressed that this demolition decision is a clear violation of all international obligations, and it is an illogical decision that is not considered a legal formulation, and it amounts to the crime of forced displacement.

In turn, the spokesman for the Ministry of Education, Sadiq Al-Khdour, considered that targeting the school is part of targeting the national identity and Palestinian education in all regions, calling for serious action and addressing the world with the need to support our children's right to education in light of this attack.

Al-Khdour said that the presence of the school enhances the existence of the population and provides the right to education, and students do not have to travel long distances with it, stressing that if the school is demolished, it will be rebuilt with all partners, and students will study in tents and in the open if this is not possible.

He added: We do not deal with these schools with the same standards compared to other schools. When we talk about a school with 7 students and 5 teachers, this confirms that we are concerned with providing the right to education and its implementation, and we do not study the feasibility in terms of economic and cost, but rather from the moral feasibility and value. Ethical, and commitment to what should be towards students in providing the right to education.

For his part, the director of the Jerusalem Center for Legal Aid, Issam Al-Arouri, said that the occupation court in Jerusalem canceled the precautionary order to stop the demolition of the school last Wednesday based on a change in the instructions of the building regulations in force in the occupied Palestinian territories, and in the context that Israel changed its narrative and began to deal with our lands as a land And that any construction in Area C is tantamount to an attack on the property of the occupying power, and since that time the school has not been protected and is under imminent danger of demolition.

Al-Arouri added that we are planning a legal process that begins next week with a request to exempt the school from the licensing application, stressing that the only thing that can save the school is to put urgent and imminent political pressure in the hope of giving us a period of several days for a new legal move that may save the school.

The citizen Muhammad Hussein Ka'anbeh said that the school and the area as a whole are constantly attacked by settlers and the occupation soldiers, and some time ago they confiscated the school's equipment, and all this comes in the context of the displacement of the population, but we will not leave the area.

It is noteworthy that the school was inaugurated in mid-January, in coordination between the Ministry of Education and the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission, and with European funding through one of the international institutions operating in Palestine, with the efforts of volunteers, to serve the students of Ain Samia Al-Badawi community, as one of the resilience and challenge schools in the designated areas. (c).

The Ain Samia Bedouin community is located on the outskirts of the Jerusalem desert, to the northeast, where the Al-Amreen / Al-Ka'abneh Bedouin clan settled about 35 years ago, which includes about 300 citizens who experienced the bitterness of displacement and deportation many times before they settled in this place, where the occupation forces seized parts A large area of land in the community and the surrounding area for the benefit of the "Kawkab al-Sabah" settlement.

The residents of the community suffer from repeated attacks by settlers with the aim of seizing the rest of the land and expelling the citizens from it.

It is noteworthy that the hills surrounding the settlement witnessed the establishment of several outposts in the form of pastoral outposts, each consisting of a caravan and a herd of sheep or cows, with the aim of intimidating the citizens in the area and cleansing them ethnically using a mixture of terrorism and the official tools of the occupation, where the two sides constitute two sides of the same coin practicing forced displacement. which amounts to a war crime against the protected population under occupation.


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European Union ambassadors visit Ain Samia School, which is threatened with demolition