

Sun 08 Dec 2024 8:32 am - Jerusalem Time

If you don't change, you will chenge!

In private life, as in public administration, and in sports fields, as in the arenas of politics, if you do not change your plans and policies, your methods of work and your management styles, then you will change, whether due to internal pressure factors or the accumulation of external erosion factors, and you may find yourself struggling with the symptoms of a “popular stroke.”

During the years of what was called the “Arab Spring,” we lived through breathtaking moments; it began with chants of freedom before multinational four-wheel drive vehicles and transcontinental ideologies pounced on it, leaping over the national wills of peoples demanding liberation from tyranny, to find themselves as if they were seeking refuge from the frying pan into the fire.

It is true that there are external and internal forces that have supranational agendas and ambitions to overthrow the nation-state and undermine its security and stability, and this is their known role. However, all these accusations should not obscure the vision of the regimes’ own share of responsibility for the situation reaching the point of suffocation, through policies that provide pretexts for invaders... It was said in the past: tyrants bring invaders.

Stop the genocide now..!


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If you don't change, you will chenge!