Frankly and without ambiguity, the state of fluidity that the national situation is suffering from feeds the tendencies of arrogance and the dreams of expansion and nibbling among the leaders of biblical fundamentalism, who pull their plans out of the drawers and declare their ambitions in a moment of euphoria, benefiting from an international license that can be extended to continue the genocide, uprooting and displacement from Rafah to Jenin, with motives of “humanitarianism until reconstruction”!
What the northern camps and the villages and towns of the Jordan Valley are being subjected to, in terms of reproducing the genocide of people and stones, and demolishing homes over the heads of their inhabitants, reveals the dangerous extent of the plan for uprooting and displacement, after the seals were withdrawn from the party that raised hopes for the return of refugees to their cities, towns and villages, from which they were displaced in 1948.
History will not forgive us if we do not overcome our differences, and listen humbly to the hearts of tens of thousands of bereaved and orphaned children, as a result of miscalculations and burning bets, and hasten to connect what was cut off from our dialogues, and fix what happened between us.
Perhaps the Lebanese experience can shorten the distance, to get out of the state of anticipation, confusion and depression that surrounds the national scene at a moment of international madness, in which the American real estate mogul places us in front of an existential threat, the dangers of which no one should underestimate, in the midst of an exhausted popular incubator that is unable to secure tents to set up on the ruins of demolished homes.
We must...and can succeed in the exam, far from calculations, quotas, scoring points, exchanging accusations, and being infatuated with victories.
For the authority to assume full responsibility from now on at a critical existential moment, it alone has the legitimacy to take political action in the international arena, to transform sacrifices into gains, and pain into hopes.
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It must.. and it is possible!