

Wed 30 Oct 2024 8:47 am - Jerusalem Time

They will slaughter you.

“They will slaughter you,” is the warning title, whispered about a year ago by a European official to former Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Shtayyeh, during a passing meeting between them in the halls of the hotel hosting the security conference in Munich, Germany.

The warning was taken seriously, given the weight and reliability of the source, and it was only a few days before the seriousness of that warning became clear, through the flow of shipments of lethal weapons to the rogue state to implement the plan of annihilation without mercy.

A few days ago, the European Union representative in Palestine was accused, during his meeting with a group of activists in Ramallah, of reinforcing this warning while explaining to the youth the role played by some European countries in supplying Israel with weapons to complete the war of extermination that has been raging in the Gaza Strip for more than a year, while providing legal cover to help the perpetrators escape punishment.

What was attributed to the European Union representative may not be accurate, but the visible evidence throughout the year of the genocide in the policies and positions adopted by some European countries, especially those that have the “blocking third” and which openly support the continuation of the genocide, gives those statements a great deal of accuracy.

It is true that European countries, such as Spain, Belgium, Norway, Ireland and others, have taken very positive positions in rejecting Israeli crimes, as well as the position of the wise man of Europe, Josep Borrell, whose voice has become hoarse and his tongue has become dry from repeating calls to stop the war of extermination, which has brought upon him and those calling for him like Guterres, Lazzarini, Albaner and others with noble values, accusations of belonging to Hamas and anti-Semitism, which is the scarecrow that Israel brandishes in the face of anyone who criticizes its policies.

However, the unanimous voting mechanism within the EU countries enabled the countries supporting the aggressor state to disrupt those humanitarian positions and send more shipments of deadly weapons to continue the massacre.

Stop the war of extermination..!


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They will slaughter you.