Tue 22 Oct 2024 9:48 am - Jerusalem Time

Disaster and heroism

More than a year after the war of extermination, which was characterized by unprecedented brutality since the two world wars, when humanity agreed on what became known as international law, in an attempt to prevent the recurrence of the crimes against humanity that resulted from them, the racist fascist government in Tel Aviv continues to commit not only what can be called the Holocaust in the Gaza Strip, which is destroyed in all aspects of life, but also tramples with American weapons what was called the law of war, the rules of international law, and international humanitarian law.

After the destruction and killing that the planes and tanks of death caused to homes, schools, hospitals, universities, and civilian infrastructure, and the killing of no less than fifty thousand and the wounding of more than one hundred thousand civilians, most of whom were children and women, the fascist terrorist gangs moved, under the instructions of the fugitive from history Netanyahu, to implement what is known as the Generals’ Plan, starting from the northern Gaza Strip, in an attempt to eradicate the Palestinian presence by ethnically cleansing this stricken region.

What some rare photos show, after the war of extermination targeted the eyes of the press with killing and liquidation, confirms that what is being implemented in the northern Gaza Strip is a holocaust in every sense of the word, as the Zionist terrorist gangs are not content with throwing huge shells and deadly explosive barrels on the corroded tin houses in Jabalia camp, but rather they set fire to their rubble, after killing and arresting the young men and men, and whatever children and women they can find, and in order to throw ashes in the eyes that refuse to see the truth, they force the women to leave towards the south, claiming to open safe passages for them, to face death by thirst and hunger resulting from the strict siege, if they are not pursued by the invaders’ volleys of bullets.

This crime, which has been declared in public, is taking place at full speed, hour by hour, day after day, without the world moving a finger, as if Netanyahu, who is desperate to achieve his bloody victory over the people of Gaza and their resistance, is declaring his victory over the world, its so-called international institutions, and the legacy of international law that is being destroyed in the alleys of Jabalia, its camp, Beit Lahia, and its farms. This is at a time when the leaders of the so-called free world, led by Biden and his staff, are swallowing their tongues and continuing to fuel the crime and the criminals with the fuel of the holocaust, while we witness Arab and Islamic silence after Netanyahu threw a smoke bomb to cover up his holocaust, in an attempt to push the region into a comprehensive war with Iran in order to ensure the silence and bias of the region’s regimes that imagine the danger to them from Iran, and not from the racist Zionist expansionism, which is waging a war to control the entire region and its natural resources.

A year and more since the crime of the century, which can be defined as a catastrophe that exceeds the Nakba, not only by measuring the extent of death and destruction that our people are facing in the holocaust of genocide and displacement, but also in the extent of insistence on leaving Gaza to drown alone in its sea, or burn in the flames of American shells that fall on the heads, homes and tents of its people, and even in an unprecedented stubbornness to the point of abandoning the groans of children and the screams of women, by refusing to respond to the call of popular will and national consensus, the last stop of which was the Beijing Agreement for Unity of Confrontation and Saving the National Destiny, which despite the approval of all factions without exception, most notably the Fatah and Hamas movements, remained locked in drawers, despite the existential need to implement it. The bet on the Biden administration continued, and on the illusions of a settlement, of which nothing remains except the annexation, settlement and terrorism plans that are proceeding at full speed in the alleys of the camps, villages, towns and cities of the West Bank, planting them with death, and seizing the sources of life for Palestinians throughout the occupied West Bank, most notably Jerusalem.

In the midst of this genocide - the renewed catastrophe - due to the silence and insistence on ignoring the call for unity issued by the women, youth and elders of Jabalia camp, the camp of martyrs, revolution, uprising and valiant resistance in defense of the Palestinian national existence and dream, the Palestinian people, with an infallible instinct, fully realize that surrender is not an option. No matter how tight the ropes of catastrophe tighten around the neck of their national destiny, they have no choice but to defend this destiny in the land of their fathers and grandfathers.

This is what the great martyr and national leader Abu Ibrahim and the martyrs who preceded him bequeathed to them, in a rare heroic scene that evoked the stations of the history of the glorious resistance from the mountains of Ya'bad al-Qassam ninety years ago to Qastal Abdul Qader al-Husseini on the eve of the Nakba. It is a trilogy of continuing history, the struggle for survival and resistance for freedom and national dignity. Our people have no choice but to move forward on the path of transforming what is wanted for us from the maze of catastrophe into the glory of heroism that snatches victory and deserves the worthiness of life.


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Disaster and heroism