Fri 21 Jun 2024 4:23 pm - Jerusalem Time

Netanyahu: Only Israel can disarm Gaza

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believed that Israel alone could sustainably disarm the Gaza Strip, which has been subjected to a devastating war since last October.

He said in an interview with the American “Punchbull” news website published on Friday, about the day after the war in Gaza: “I believe that we will have to achieve sustainable disarmament, which only Israel can do.”

The Israeli Prime Minister added: "But I believe that there must be a civil administration (in the Gaza Strip), not only to undertake the distribution of humanitarian aid, but also to manage civil affairs (for the Palestinians)."

He continued: "This is what must be done, and I believe that the best way to do this is through cooperation with joint Arab sponsorship and assistance from Arab countries," without further details.

Netanyahu added: "The third thing is, of course, the process of de-extremism that will begin in schools and mosques to teach these people a different future from the future that requires the annihilation of Israel and the killing of every Jew on the face of the earth," as he claimed.

He added: "The fourth issue is reconstruction, which I believe the international community will largely assume responsibility for."

Netanyahu claimed that “the ratio of civilian casualties to militant deaths in Gaza is approximately one to one, which is the lowest ratio in modern urban wars,” as he put it.

He said: “In Fallujah and Mosul, and in many other places in Afghanistan and Iraq, intense urban battles resulted in human losses far greater than the one-to-one ratio,” he claimed.

The Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, with absolute American support, left nearly 123,000 Palestinians dead and wounded, most of them children and women, and more than 10,000 missing amid massive destruction and famine that claimed the lives of dozens of children.

Regarding American support, Netanyahu said: “I greatly appreciate the support that President (Joe) Biden and the American administration gave us to our war efforts from the beginning.”

He added: "President Biden came here, sent two aircraft carrier groups, and gave us valuable assistance, ammunition and weapons since the beginning of the war. I appreciate that. I remain grateful."

He added, "We began to see that we had some significant problems that arose a few months ago. In fact, we tried, in many calm conversations between our officials and their American counterparts, and between the president and me, to try to resolve this supply shortage."

He added: "And we were not able to solve it, and this is extremely important. It is crucial to our common war goals of defeating Hamas and preventing the escalation in Lebanon into a full-fledged war that we have this supply. Because otherwise, it hinders Israel's ability to fight the war, which is an actual war of survival and a war." "Multiple fronts against Iran and its axis."

He continued: “I raised this issue with Secretary of State (Anthony) Blinken, and I told him that officials in the Ministry of Defense informed us that we would only get a little, and he said: Well, everything is in the process of implementation. We are doing everything we can to solve this problem.” .

He added: "And I told him (Blinken): Well, this is what I expect will happen. Let's make sure it happens. It must happen."

Netanyahu said that he "felt that raising this issue was very necessary after months of quiet talks that did not resolve the issue."

There was no immediate comment from the Hamas movement on the statements and allegations of the Israeli Prime Minister until 12:25 GMT.

To conclude a deal with the Hamas movement, Netanyahu insists on a temporary ceasefire, without ending the war or withdrawing from the Gaza Strip, while Hamas demands an end to the war, an Israeli withdrawal, the return of the displaced, intensification of relief, and the start of reconstruction within any prisoner exchange agreement.

With the mediation of Egypt and Qatar and the participation of the United States, Israel and Hamas have been conducting faltering indirect negotiations for months, while the Israeli war on Gaza has continued since October 7, 2023.


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Netanyahu: Only Israel can disarm Gaza