Tue 18 Jun 2024 12:47 pm - Jerusalem Time

Israeli writer: What is the benefit of continuing the war on Gaza?

Israeli writer Ariela Ringel Hoffman said that it is impossible not to question the benefit of the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip, especially in light of the conditions that are witnessing a noticeable deterioration.

He added in a report published by the Israeli website Ynet that the time has come to make difficult decisions at a time when achieving complete victory does not seem possible.

The writer believes that it is impossible to describe the extent of horror and sadness that people feel when they hear the news of the killing of 10 Israeli soldiers in battle. These soldiers were not only lost by the army, but also by the entire society, and their families in particular, as the writer explains.

The writer pointed out the need to ask urgent questions and ask about the benefit of continuing the current military operations, with increasing talk about a kind of “stumble” not only in the print media or the studios, but also among the upper ranks of the army.

He criticized statements by military leaders indicating that the army is on the verge of achieving "a decisive decision against Hamas." He said that these statements come in light of the necessity of making difficult decisions regarding continuing operations in Gaza or moving towards a peace agreement.

He continued that these decisions must be clear to everyone, because war always comes with sacrifices, and Israeli soldiers are no exception to that.

The writer quoted a senior officer as saying, "There are two options: either withdraw now, which means admitting to abandoning the war goals, or introduce more military divisions to launch a comprehensive attack, as was the case at the beginning of the war."

He stressed that the current situation has become more difficult and decisive decisions must be taken.

He added that the situation in northern Gaza is deteriorating, "and the entire Israeli society, not just the army, needs to know whether the ongoing sacrifices justify the current goals of the war, especially in light of the increasing voices demanding alternative solutions."

Source: Israeli press+ Aljazeera


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Israeli writer: What is the benefit of continuing the war on Gaza?