Tue 18 Jun 2024 8:19 am - Jerusalem Time

Updated:: Israel launches an arrest campaign in the West Bank and Jerusalem

Today, Tuesday, the Israeli occupation forces launched an arrest campaign in various areas in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem.

In occupied Jerusalem, the occupation forces arrested the young man Saqr Hammad after storming the town of Beit Anan at dawn today after raiding his house.

In Jericho, the occupation forces stormed the city from its southern entrance, and surrounded the home of the two brothers Muhammad and Jamal Khattab in the Sabiha neighborhood in the center of the city, before arresting them.

In Nablus, the occupation forces stormed the village of Qasra in the early hours of dawn, and launched a massive campaign of raids on citizens’ homes, searching them and tampering with their contents.

These forces detained dozens of citizens inside a school, subjected them to field investigation, beat some of them, and arrested the two young men, Mustafa Nadeem Abu Raida, and Zain Saed Kanaan.

In Ramallah, the occupation forces arrested Professor Jalal Marouf, Ahmed Abdel Razzaq Falana, and Mustafa Dhiyab after storming their homes in the village of Safa, while confrontations broke out between the occupation forces and young men in the village of Ajoul.

The occupation also arrested the boy, Bahaa Thaer Shabana, after raiding his family’s home in the town of Sinjil, north of Ramallah, noting that Shabana was released from detention a month ago.

The editor, Mahmoud Suleiman Abu Adi, was also arrested during his storming of the village of Deir Ibzi', west of Ramallah.

In Bethlehem, the occupation forces arrested Hatem Mahmoud Shusha (23 years old) and his brother Montaser (17 years old) after storming their house in the village of Husan. The same forces also raided the house of Hassan Ali Hamamra.


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Updated:: Israel launches an arrest campaign in the West Bank and Jerusalem