Sun 16 Jun 2024 1:53 pm - Jerusalem Time

Hamas Leader: Our response to the truce proposal is consistent with the foundations of Biden’s speech

The head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, confirmed on Sunday that the movement’s response to the ceasefire proposal is consistent with the foundations of US President Joe Biden’s speech and the UN Security Council’s resolution regarding the Gaza Strip.

This came in a speech by Haniyeh on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, which fell today, days after official American accusations against Hamas of moving away from the proposal presented by Biden at the end of last May.

On June 10, the Council adopted a draft American resolution calling for a ceasefire, and Hamas welcomed it at the time and said it would deal with it positively.

Last Tuesday, the Palestinian resistance factions handed over to the mediators the response to the three-stage Israeli proposal presented by Biden.


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Hamas Leader: Our response to the truce proposal is consistent with the foundations of Biden’s speech