Thursday evening, Benjamin Netanyahu gave an interview to the LCI channel. This invitation to the heart of the war in Gaza and attacks on refugee camps by the Israeli Prime Minister sparked emotion, condemnations and demonstrations.
Conducted by journalist Darius Rochebin, this interview with the head of the right-wing and far-right government revealed his culture of abominable lies. Thus, Netanyahu claimed to be waging a cautious war against civilians and claimed that no more than one civilian for every Hamas militant was killed. His cynicism was astonishing when he assured to deliver the equivalent of 3200 calories per Palestinian when 2200 would be enough. Against the demonstrations in his country, he asserted that his justice system was “the most independent in the entire galaxy” (sic) and that all war errors were subject to investigation and sanctions if necessary. At the same time, he affirmed that the International Criminal Court was intended for States without a solid judicial system. Israel is therefore not, in principle, concerned. And him at the same time. In short, Netanyahu spoke to us about another world, that of alternative truth.
Asked about the outcome of this war, he rejected in principle the creation of a Palestinian state and assured that the installations in the West Bank were not colonies and that they occupied at most 3% of Jordanian territory. Intended for the French public and, through LCI for the Western world, it presented itself as the bulwark against terrorism. Drawing a parallel with Ukraine, he said he was at the forefront of the fight for security and democracy: “Our fight is your fight”.
It was one of his biggest lies. Israel's policy has long been based on the illusion that circumscribing Palestinians and Arabs is the key to their security. History up to October 7 shows that this is not the case. This policy fuels violent reactions, legitimate or not. And this creates considerable insecurity for the entire world.
This performance, cut into small sequences and broadcast on social networks, fuels the propaganda of his State. This is indeed an offensive to try to counter the movement of condemnation which is taking hold, to put pressure on the French government and force it not to take the step of recognizing the Palestinian state.
France was surely not chosen by chance for this ideological offensive. We know that political tensions are high here on the subject, on both sides. Western public opinion is hesitant; it is close to tipping over and the demand for sanctions against the Israeli state, the arms embargo is becoming a tangible issue, in Europe and the United States where Joe Biden is playing his election. Israel is no longer out of sight, lucid and critical. He is asked to respect international law.
Benjamin Netanyahu's offensive had an ideological objective, that of placing the Gaza war in the continuum of wars, of destruction of international regulations initiated after September 11, 2001. He presented this fight not as a clash of territory and sovereignty but as a new war of religion, that of good against evil. Iran has been described at length as the heart of the reactor that will destroy us. Benjamin Netanyahu illustrated the challenge of designating Hamas as terrorist: justifying all the exactions and abominations against the populations. This speech hopes for a sympathetic audience in a country still bruised by the memory of the 2015 attacks and where the far right is so high.
Benjamin Netanyahu is the warlord of a state and that of a camp of nationalism, suprematism, fascism. France, where the far right is hoping for miraculous scores, is becoming a stake in this global confrontation. She becomes the weak link to be blown up.
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Netanyahu and the alternative truth