Fri 05 Apr 2024 10:24 pm - Jerusalem Time

International newspapers: Israel is a pariah and Netanyahu's strategy in Gaza has failed miserably

International newspapers and news websites highlighted the escalation of US-Israeli disputes against the backdrop of the ongoing war launched by Tel Aviv against the Gaza Strip, and the repercussions of the killing of foreign aid workers in an Israeli raid.

The Hebrew newspaper "The Times of Israel" said that Israel's refusal to engage in the diplomatic track will lead to a future characterized by insecurity and permanent war and make Israel a pariah.

The newspaper explained - in an article by writer Corinne Melul - that the overall benefits of the war for Israel so far remain disappointing, and that "the strategy of Benjamin Netanyahu's government to use military pressure to release the hostages has met with a miserable failure."

Israel is stuck and isolated

The American magazine Foreign Affairs published an article written by Daniel Byman, director of the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University, in which he said that Israel is stuck in Gaza and remains far from its goal of destroying the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

He explained that Israel appears to be involved in a military campaign that is unlikely to achieve anything but gradual progress at high costs, calling on the American administration to be honest by pushing Israel strongly in the direction it should take.

In turn, writer Ruth Marcus saw in an article in the American newspaper "The Washington Post" that Israel is currently facing what she called a sad isolation, 6 months after the attack of last October 7.

The writer added that she recently visited Israel and felt that the country was in a state of shock, and Israelis of all political affiliations feel besieged.

Military aid to Israel

For its part, the British newspaper "Financial Times" reported that US President Joe Biden is not yet willing to impose conditions on military aid to Israel despite his sharp criticism of it, according to analysts.

It quoted Aaron David Miller, a senior scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, as saying, “The growing tensions on Israel’s borders with Lebanon make Biden very cautious about sending any signals that America is moving away from its ally, Israel.”

The British newspaper The Guardian quoted London Mayor Sadiq Khan as saying that British arms sales to Israel must be stopped.

According to the newspaper, Sadiq Khan has become the most prominent political figure from the Labor Party calling for an immediate halt to British arms sales to Israel, as criticism within Britain escalates dramatically against Israel following the killing of 7 international aid workers.

In turn, the American newspaper "The Wall Street Journal" said that the missile attack on the convoy of aid workers clearly revealed the shortcomings and fatal errors in the safety procedures applied by the Israeli forces to protect civilians.

According to the newspaper’s report, military experts believe that humanitarian considerations receive limited attention due to the lack of clarity in the tasks of the Israeli forces in Gaza.

Source: American press + Israeli press + British press


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International newspapers: Israel is a pariah and Netanyahu's strategy in Gaza has failed miserably