The Palestinian Prisoners Club said that the risks to the fate of administrative detainee Muhammad Zayed Khudairat (21 years old) from Hebron, who has cancer and has been detained since June 1, 2024, are escalating, after he was recently infected with scabies in Ofer Prison.
Based on a visit conducted by the Prisoners Club’s lawyer to him, along with a group of detainees and prisoners in Ofer prison, who once again described the level of difficult and harsh conditions that continue against them to this day, they confirmed that the occupation prison system is continuing its retaliatory measures, which fall within the systematic torture policies, including starvation crimes, medical crimes, and operations of repression and assault.
According to the statement of the detainee, Khadirat, to the lawyer, he said: “My health condition is deteriorating, especially after I contracted scabies, which the prison system has turned into a tool for torturing us, and it has become a nightmare that haunts the cell in which we are held, and I and a group of prisoners, we all suffer from severe itching and blood is coming out of our bodies as a result of the itching, in addition to our inability to sleep.”
“It is no longer just a matter of not providing treatment for scabies, but even my cancer treatment. Since October, I have only had an MRI scan after many requests, and to this day I do not know the result, despite my many requests to explain the developments in my health condition, or even to see a doctor, but to no avail, as my condition is being treated with indifference. In addition to all of this, malnutrition is also looming over the cells. The prisoners are literally dying of hunger, and we are not allowed to store the remaining food from the slices of bread. If anyone finds any slices of bread left, the cell is stormed and the prisoners are assaulted. It has affected my health, as well as the severe cold, as there are not enough clothes, in addition to the overcrowding that is increasing day after day,” Khadirat added.
The Prisoners Club held the occupation prison administration fully responsible for the fate of the detainee Khdeirat, considering that what is happening to him is a medical crime that directly targets his life, noting that the detainee Khdeirat had undergone a bone marrow transplant shortly before his arrest.
The Prisoners Club also held the occupation prison administration responsible for the fate of the wounded Yazid Al-Najjar, who has been detained since September 26, 2024. He was shot three times before his arrest in the left thigh, a bullet between the knee and the bone, and a bullet hit the main artery at the time. He was actually in a critical health condition, and today he is still suffering from the effects of the injuries he sustained, with the lack of necessary health care. This is in addition to being subjected to two repeated attacks during his transfer to Ramla prison. According to the lawyer who visited him, the effects of bruises were visible on his nose.
The Prisoners Club follows up, through monthly visits to detainees inside the occupation prisons, the continuation of the level of crimes committed against detainees and prisoners. However, the data confirms that the time factor is the main determinant of their fate, with the systematic crimes against them continuing at the same pace. It points out that a number of prisoners and detainees who were martyred had scabies as a central cause, the last of whom was the martyr Moataz Abu Zneid from Hebron.
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Risks mount for cancer-stricken detainee after he contracts scabies