Every day that passes, in its search for complete and absolute victory, Israel loses something new of its assets, whether material or moral, military or political, popular or partisan, immediate or future, regional or international, tactical or strategic, so much so that it is as if we are about to hear the traditional phrase on mobile phones: You have run out of credit.
On the 136th day of the genocidal aggression in Gaza, we stop at two events, the first happened, and the second has not happened yet. The first is related to Yahya Al-Sinwar with his family as he was escaping in one of the tunnels. It was filmed by one of Hamas’ cameras on the 10th of last October, that is, three days after the Al-Aqsa flood, that is, 133 days before today, and this old tape was treated with great attention. Security, politically and media wise, much more than what was done with his shoe, and although the person who appeared in the tape may not be Yahya Sinwar, because he was filmed from behind, and the way he walked did not resemble Sinwar’s walk, Israel presented the tape on It is one of her achievements, ignoring that it is an old tape. About this, the famous journalist Nahum Barnea says in Yediot Aharonot: “Over the course of an entire day, they fed the Israelis a story about a tape recorded about Sinwar in a tunnel. The coward not only flees in terror from our crawlers that are plowing the land above him, but also sends his wife and children ahead of him to They die before him. On October 10, that is, 17 days before the ground move, Sinwar would not have fled anywhere because he had no reason to do so.” Barnea concludes that an officer stopped him and told him, “I fear that the greatest harm from the events of October 7 will be the harm to the values of Israeli society. Hamas will corrupt us, and this war will give birth to another Israel, a vengeful, violent, fanatical mob.”
The second event that has not happened yet is the month of Ramadan, which Israel treats as a frightening thing or a suspicious object that will attack it after about twenty days. It is another matter entirely. It is a holy month for about two billion Muslims, in which they fast during the day and pray at night. They tolerate, love, and sympathize. And they show mercy, on the condition that God accepts their fasting - certainly not all Muslims are like that - but Israel, the owner of the first heavenly religion, views it as a widespread evil, the Corona epidemic, for example, or a second flood of a new type, which it links to Al-Aqsa Mosque as a place, and begins planning to prevent about a million. A believer can seclude themselves in it during their fast. They begin by classifying their ages, political identities, and hometowns, whether they are “Israeli Arabs,” or a citizen of the unified capital, Jerusalem, or from the West Bank.
As for those from Gaza, how do you know what Gaza is? They have been deprived of entering it during Ramadan and other than Ramadan for 17 years, and this year in particular, we have been starving them day and night, for five months. Is your balance running out, Israel?
Tue 20 Feb 2024 10:42 am - Jerusalem Time
Equation: Have you run out of credit, Israel?

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Equation: Have you run out of credit, Israel?