Tue 28 Nov 2023 12:33 pm - Jerusalem Time

Washington Post: Biden’s recognition of Palestine is the way to end the war in Gaza

The Washington Post published an article in which its author praised US President Joe Biden’s announcement of his desire to revive a Palestinian government that brings together the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under a “unified administrative structure.”

The author of the article - Palestinian journalist Daoud Kuttab - described the announcement as a "noble goal" that deserves to be rewarded by the American president. However, he did not hide his skepticism, seeking excuse for the Palestinians to wonder whether Biden was really serious when he made that statement.

If he is really serious, there is one step he can take now to achieve that desire, which is to recognize Palestine as a member state of the United Nations.

The writer - who previously worked as a professor of journalism at Princeton University in the United States - recalled that in 2012, the United Nations General Assembly granted the status of a non-member observer state to Palestine. 139 countries have recognized Palestine as a state within the borders of June 4, 1967.

He added that the United States and most European countries repeatedly called for adopting a two-state solution, but they refused to recognize the Palestinian state, and the Biden administration even refused to recognize the status of Palestine as a state under occupation.

Recognizing Palestine as a full-fledged state will have - in the opinion of the author of the article - many positive effects, and will show that Biden is truly serious about his declared goal of a two-state solution.

This would undermine the positions of the "extremists" on both sides, as the Palestinians among them refuse to recognize Israel, while the Israeli extremists from the far right "want to annex all Palestinian lands west of the Jordan River."

The book believes that the Palestinians are in dire need of a revived political structure, as President Biden says, a structure that is supposed to be based on the will of the Palestinian people, which is manifested in free elections. However, holding such elections - according to the Washington Post article - is almost impossible unless voters are sure that it will bring them closer to liberation from the occupation and endless violence.

In parallel with the United States’ recognition of the Palestinian state, Biden and the current Palestinian leaders must acknowledge the mistakes they made regarding holding elections that would lead to the selection of a new Palestinian leadership “to negotiate with Israel,” in the words of the Palestinian journalist, who criticized President Mahmoud Abbas for his hesitation “for fear of "Competition" comes from a new generation of "younger and more popular" figures, such as the detained leader Marwan Barghouti.

Biden's recognition of Palestine - if achieved - would give the Palestinians hope for liberation, and strengthen the ceasefire by drawing a clear political road map, according to the article.

Then, such recognition - as the author of the article believes - would help Biden domestically restore his credibility among American youth, progressives, and Arab and Muslim Americans in the Democratic Party, who are deeply disappointed by his policy towards Israel.

The writer concludes with the necessity of abandoning the tried-and-true “fragmented” solutions in any serious attempt to end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, considering that this is the only path to finding an effective way out of the current crisis, and it is “an opportunity that should not be missed.”


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Washington Post: Biden’s recognition of Palestine is the way to end the war in Gaza