الأربعاء 21 يونيو 2023 10:46 صباحًا - بتوقيت القدس

Monitoring the most prominent news that was reported in the Hebrew newspapers after Operation "Holy Vengeance" yesterday

The Hebrew newspapers, published on Wednesday, focused on the shooting attack that took place yesterday at Eli settlement, killing 4 settlers, and killing two of its perpetrators, Hamas activists in Nablus, in an operation dubbed by the Palestinians as "holy revenge."

The Hebrew newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, said in a report by its correspondent and military analyst, Yossi Yehoshua, that yesterday's attack requires focusing on the West Bank front and understanding the extent of the complexities there, and not just focusing on the Iranian issue.

She indicated that this is the second worst attack since the beginning of this year, after 7 Israelis were killed in a shooting attack in Jerusalem at the beginning of last January, bringing the death toll since then to 28, compared to 20 in the same period last year. Warnings about more attacks are also high compared to last year, although the numbers still do not mention the days of the second intifada, but it is clear that the armed cells are working with increasing self-confidence and greater daring, and this was what appeared in Jenin the day before yesterday, and in Hamas’s response to the attack What happened yesterday at the settlement of Eli, in a planned operation, and not as it was before through operations carried out individually or by small groups such as the "Lions' Den". as you say.

Yehoshua says that what happened yesterday is just a wake-up call, and it should not surprise Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his army minister, Yoav Gallant, especially since it has been a long time since the army presented its assessment of the situation in the West Bank to the political level.

And he adds: These developments oblige Israel to make a renewed assessment of the situation in the policy pursued in particular towards Hamas in Gaza, especially since Yahya Sinwar and Muhammad al-Deif feed "terrorism" in the West Bank, and enjoy calm in Gaza, in light of the wealth of Israeli concessions that are offered to them.

He continued: Although it is in Israel's interest to improve the economic situation in the Gaza Strip, bring in more workers, and establish an internal pressure mechanism on Hamas that prevents it from entering into rounds of fighting, Hamas, in the meantime, is preoccupied with encouraging "terrorism" in the West Bank while it enjoys Peace and benefits in Gaza, and trying to cause an Israeli operation aimed at overthrowing the Palestinian Authority, and therefore the Israeli position must be different.

He pointed out that this assessment was presented at the political level, but this does not absolve the army and the Shin Bet, the main supporters of the plan to buy calm in Gaza, from responsibility for the current situation.

Yehoshua touched on the demands for the implementation of a large-scale military operation in the northern West Bank, pointing out that there are plans available in the army command related to a limited and short operation in a limited area, and there cannot be a "Defensive Wall 2" operation, and such an option must be forgotten, as well. The army and the Shin Bet are convinced that the perpetrators of the attacks are only in the camps of Nablus and Jenin, while 3 million Palestinians do not care about war, but seek to improve their economic and social conditions. like he said.

He pointed out that Netanyahu and Gallant agree with the military echelon not to carry out a large-scale operation, noting that there is American pressure exerted to avoid such a step, and there are efforts being made to try to find a temporary solution that helps buy peace and calm the region, through economic solutions such as increasing the number of people entering the country. workers to Israel, but it is not certain that this will be sufficient and meet the necessary needs in order to restore security.

He pointed out that the focus of the Israeli army, at the present time, will be on more arrests, the deployment of more forces, and obtaining more intelligence information than it is today, in order to thwart more attacks and prevent an attempt to harm the forces that storm Jenin and Nablus through the use of explosive devices, as happened in the first place. yesterday.

And Joshua concludes: In the end, everything comes back to what the army says over and over again, and the political level can no longer turn a blind eye to the disintegration of the Palestinian Authority, which has become weaker than ever, and the bad news is that the end of Abu Mazen's rule is approaching, and on the Israeli side that prepare for it. like he said.

In another report in the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, the newspaper stated that the meeting that Netanyahu held yesterday with senior ministers and officers, with the exception of the extremist Itamar Ben Gvir, discussed all options, including a large-scale operation in Jenin, but it seems that this option will not be soon due to Netanyahu's desire. And Gallant not to act out of reaction, and above all to maintain the element of surprise.

The newspaper quoted senior Israeli government officials as saying: "Everything will be at the right time and place and at the time of our choosing."

In response to Ben Gvir's statements from the scene of the attack, which called for carrying out a large-scale operation and bombing buildings in the West Bank from the air, the same sources said: "There are international political considerations here and there, as well as there is a significance for the element of surprise."

And the same Israeli government sources added in response to Ben Gvir's statements: "Just as they did not listen to him about Gaza, they will not listen to him about what is going on in the West Bank... We are working for professional and relevant considerations only, and all options are on the table."

The newspaper indicates that the political level is facing a dilemma related to reaching an escalation at a time when the level of international legitimacy for any large-scale military action is very low, and it is expected that any large-scale operation that exposes Palestinian civilians to harm and in light of the policy of building in settlements, will face severe criticism in the world.

At the end of its report, the newspaper says: On the other hand, Netanyahu's coalition partners are running out of patience, especially Ben Gvir and Smotrich, as well as within the Likud, especially since this is a complete right-wing government and one of its main promises is to restore governance and personal security for the Israelis, while the Israeli public expects a particularly sharp response, militarily and settlement. .

For its part, the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz saw in a report by its correspondent and military analyst, Amos Harel, that yesterday's operation may accelerate preparations for a large-scale military operation in the northern West Bank, and if it takes place, it will be subject to international political pressure, indicating that the security establishment wants to suffice with a limited operation in order to Get a temporary calm in the area.

The newspaper pointed out that the Palestinian attacks have recently focused on settlement roads, which are open areas, and the armed cells do not find any difficulty in determining their targets for implementation, noting that the perpetrators of yesterday's operation showed greater courage and chose a dense and fixed target to increase the death toll.

The newspaper says that most of the operations carried out this year were carried out by Palestinians individually or belonging to local cells such as the Lions' Den in Nablus, and the Jenin Brigade, but these groups receive funding from Hamas and sometimes Hezbollah and Iran, but this time the attack was carried out by Hamas itself.

Harel considered that yesterday's operation is a success recorded by Hamas in the aftermath of the events in Jenin, and the operation may lead to attempts to imitate it, while pressure will increase on the Israeli army to provide clear solutions to confront these attacks, after previously convincing the current and previous government that the arrests and their intensification will lead to preventing the spread of terrorist attacks. Attacks, but in light of the ongoing tensions, he may look for another solution, which may be a limited operation to kill, arrest and collect weapons, and what he hopes for is a temporary respite.

Harel says: The current mix of circumstances, with an extreme right-wing government that relies on settlers, and the weakness of the Palestinian Authority, especially in the northern West Bank, cannot lead to stability.. Maintaining the occupation becomes a more difficult and bloody task after a long period, and since the end of the second intifada it seemed In it, in general, Israel can maintain the general situation at the lowest cost, referring to Smotrich's previous statements in this regard about his desire to settle a million Jews in the West Bank, overthrow the PA's rule, and restore control over the entire West Bank, which may not be separate from this reality. as he says.

He adds: Netanyahu has his own considerations, chief among them the desire to evade trial by stopping criminal proceedings against him, but his partners on the right have other calculations, and the aim of weakening the judicial system was to be able to expand settlements and perpetuate the occupation, and what happens in the Green Line areas is inseparable from what is happening. In the West Bank, these are two complementary aspects of the same dangerous plan.

For its part, the Hebrew newspaper Israel Hayom said that the option of carrying out a large-scale military operation in the northern West Bank has been under consideration for several months, especially in light of the increase in Palestinian attacks and with the presence of an insane amount of weapons and explosive devices and the incitement to more attacks and the absence of control of the Palestinian Authority. led to chaos. as you say.

And the newspaper adds: All of these things will eventually lead to the Israeli army carrying out a large-scale operation in the northern West Bank, and this operation could have two catalysts: the first, an unusual attack, as happened yesterday, and the second is the accumulation of high-quality and focused intelligence that would lead to Causing deep systemic damage to the infrastructure of the armed cells.

And she pointed out that the political level may give the green light to such an operation in the event that accurate intelligence information is available to implement a wide and rapid operation, with an understanding of the risks that in the absence of such information it may lead to a prolongation of the process and its results may not be all, and that it will be exposed to international criticism. , and perhaps damage to the Palestinian arena in front of the field entanglement between Gaza and the West Bank, and these are matters that must be taken into account in advance, and Israel must build international legitimacy for such an operation.

The newspaper believed that Israel should study the mechanism of responding to the double game that Hamas leads in the West Bank while maintaining calm in Gaza, noting that Israel attacked the Islamic Jihad in Gaza for the same reasons, and therefore it must ask itself how it will take tactical action against Hamas even if It was at the cost of a renewed escalation from the south.

The newspaper says: There is an urgent need for the immediate restoration of security in the West Bank, but the security deterioration in the past months on all fronts shows that the decline in the level of deterrence in the West Bank encourages more attacks, and will give other fronts, including Hamas in Gaza, to accept any challenge.

In another report by the same newspaper, it indicated that the issue of the large-scale operation in the West Bank has been on the table for weeks, but there are disagreements about it even within the security establishment about its necessity and effectiveness, while some believe that it is important and that in the end it is inevitable to prevent more Israeli deaths.

She pointed out that the Israeli army is examining whether the attack was carried out yesterday at the direction of the Hamas leadership in Gaza, pointing out that the security establishment has been discussing for a long time whether to respond to Hamas's game of encouraging attacks in the West Bank and buying calm in Gaza.


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Monitoring the most prominent news that was reported in the Hebrew newspapers after Operation "Holy Vengeance" yesterday

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الأربعاء 19 يونيو 2024 7:40 مساءً

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