الأربعاء 21 يونيو 2023 10:27 صباحًا - بتوقيت القدس

This is what Ben Gvir asked Netanyahu after he was excluded yesterday!

The Hebrew newspaper Maariv reported, on Wednesday, that the Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, made contacts last night with the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after he was excluded from the security discussion that the latter held yesterday in the wake of the shooting attack near Ramallah that killed 4 settlers. .

According to the newspaper, Ben Gvir said in a letter to Netanyahu through the latter's office: "The situation in the West Bank has changed intolerably, and the residents and soldiers feel abandoned. I demand a discussion about the possibility of launching a large-scale operation."

Ben Gvir added, "Approving the establishment of a new settlement in the West Bank is a vital need today, and important for the future of Zionism in general. I have worked for many years with my friends to establish settlements and extensive construction works in the West Bank, and the current government is the best to implement such an option. At the same time, we must Carrying out a broad military operation to eliminate the nests of terrorism, eliminate terrorists, erect barriers and return to assassination operations in order to restore security to the West Bank.

Netanyahu had excluded Ben Gvir and his ally, Bezalel Smotrich, from the security discussions after they arrived at the scene of the operation yesterday, especially after Ben Gvir’s statements, which demanded the collapse of buildings on the heads of their residents by bombing them from the air and the start of a large-scale military operation and the assassination of Hamas leaders.


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This is what Ben Gvir asked Netanyahu after he was excluded yesterday!

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الأربعاء 19 يونيو 2024 7:40 مساءً

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