

Wed 18 Oct 2023 11:47 am - Jerusalem Time

On the meaning of lack of Israeli military deterrence

...a text entitled “On the Iron Wall” (1923), Jabotinsky mocked Zionists who were trying to promote that the Arabs in Palestine were either “idiots who can be deceived by a diluted formulation of our true (Zionist) goals,” or “that they are a greedy tribe that will cede to us their right to Palestine vs...”

Israeli follow-ups on the repercussions of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood focus, among other things, on the miserable failure that befell the security wall that Israel erected in the border area with the Gaza Strip. It described it at its inauguration as “smart!” and boasted that it could not be penetrated at all. Most of these follow-ups do not stop at the fact that the flood of resistance swept away this wall as if it were a “layer of dust,” according to one analyst. Rather, they go beyond this to acknowledge that the matter includes something that would deal a strong blow to the image that Israel has built for itself in the world with regard to the structure of its meaning. A very advanced country in the field of production of defense technologies. According to the Israeli website "Israel Defense", which specializes in security affairs, the sudden attack by the Palestinian resistance on October 7, 2023 may lead, from the point of view of the security industries, to pulling the rug from under the feet of the bright promises that these industries made to the Israeli public, and to many of their customers in the country and the outside.

Thinking about building this wall began in 2014, following the aggressive war launched by Israel on Gaza that year, during which the Israeli army was unable to eliminate the attack tunnels or predict their location. Work on its construction continued between the years 2017-2021 and its cost amounted to more than a billion dollars. It is six meters high above the ground, and extends to a depth of tens of meters below its surface.

However, the most important result that can be drawn from the stream of Israeli analyzes in this axis remains in acknowledging the fact of the lack of military deterrence in the face of resistance in the Gaza Strip, even though since the rise of Hamas to power in the Strip in 2007 until now, Israel has launched ten attacks. Warfare, including the current aggression called "Iron Swords", under various names, as follows: "Hot Winter" (2008), "Cast Lead" (2008-2009), "Re-Echo" (2012), "Pillar of Clouds" (2012), “Protective Edge” (2014), “Black Belt” (2019), “Keeper of the Walls” (2021), “Rising Dawn” (2022), “Shield and Arrow” (2023). Prior to these aggressions, and coinciding with the last years of the second Palestinian Intifada, the “First Rain” (2005) and “Summer Rains” (2006) attacks were launched.

In another context, there were those who pointed out that Israel seems to have been fascinated, since its establishment, by the doctrine of the “iron wall” developed by the leader of the revisionist movement in the Zionist movement, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, and adopted by the founding generation led by David Ben-Gurion, which is based on the necessity of establishing a defense force for the Jewish settlers. It acts as an "iron wall that the indigenous people will not be able to penetrate."

In this regard, it is right to point out that in one of the texts about this doctrine, a text entitled “On the Iron Wall” (1923), Jabotinsky mocked Zionists who were trying to promote that the Arabs in Palestine were either “idiots who can be deceived by a diluted formulation of our true goals (Zionism). ) or “they are a greedy tribe that will cede to us their right to Palestine in exchange for cultural and economic gains.”

He made it clear that he categorically refuses to accept this opinion regarding the Arabs of Palestine, declaring: They are just like us, knowledgeable of the interior of our souls, keen observers, and trained in the method of sharp argumentation, and no matter what we tell them, they will understand what is going on in the depths of our souls just as we understand what is going on in the depths of their souls. . He literally wrote the following: “They look at Palestine with the same instinctive love and the same organic fanaticism that accompanied the relationship of the Aztecs with their Mexico, and the Sioux with their desert. The illusion of some among us that they will be satisfied with the embodiment of Zionism in exchange for the cultural and economic returns that the Jewish settler brings with him stems from a view of contempt based on the idea of Preconceptions about the Arab people, and from unsubstantiated opinions, consider this race a group of rabble chasing money and willing to give up their homeland in exchange for a good railway network. Presenting matters in this way is completely baseless.”

Source: Arab 48


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On the meaning of lack of Israeli military deterrence