Second episode
Israel is now waging a war of revenge and genocide against the Palestinian people and is using a scorched earth policy. It is asking the people to flee! Giving leaflets in this regard is accompanied by the publication of pictures of military concentrations surrounding the Gaza Strip. Does this come in the context of psychological warfare and a war of rumors? Or in the context of misleading the resistance, distracting its efforts and deceiving it? And exhaust its forces? Or in preparation for a ground war, although it is still in the preparation stage.
The declared goals of the ground war: if it occurred?
1. Building a security belt in the northern Gaza Strip?
2. Reoccupation of the Gaza Strip?
3. Destroying the infrastructure of the Palestinian resistance?
4. Limited penetration process? To carry out assassinations and arrests?
Possible scenarios for ground war? If it happened???
The first scenario: a war without goals, by moving the external blockade from the cover of the Gaza Strip to the interior, carrying out reconnaissance operations, gathering information, and feeling the pulse of the force through limited penetrations and extensive maneuvers to avoid losses. With carrying out assassinations of leaders whenever possible. As a first stage, then any goal that looms on the horizon later.
The second scenario: limited progress on two main axes in northwest Jabalia and northeast of Beit Hanoun and the construction of a security belt and buffer zones that prevent the launching of Palestinian rockets. This is consistent with the military capabilities they have mobilized, given that this scenario reduces the possibility of confrontation and cohesion with the resistance and gives them a margin. A retreat maneuver in the event of a ceasefire agreement. It is most likely.
The third scenario: An advance towards the Salah al-Din axis and along the border, with another advance on an axis in the south, north of Rafah, and other sub-axes to deceive. In this scenario, there are many caveats that would open many closed doors that Israel does not want in its current crisis situation.
Fourth scenario: Dismemberment and advance from multiple main axes from the north, Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia, and from the east, and naval landings in the areas of Al-Shati, northwest, and Al-Nuseirat and Deir Al-Balah, southwest of Gaza City, with the aim of draining a large number of the Palestinian resistance’s energy, isolating the forces, and preventing communication. This possibility means determining the Israeli army is forced to incursion and stay for a long time and requires a large number of forces, and this leads to the possibility of greater losses among the ranks of the Israeli army and difficulty in withdrawing.
The fifth scenario: The most dangerous, which is targeting the headland where the Palestinian leadership and strategic reserve of modern and advanced weapons are present. It is the most dangerous scenario for Israel due to the possibility of large losses occurring among their ranks, the lack of guarantee of victory and the achievement of goals, and even getting involved in the quagmire of a long war. This possibility is implemented through a ground advance and a rapid breach towards the depth of Gaza from the east is accompanied by the construction of a bridgehead and an advance from the sea. Naval battleships drop tanks and soldiers to close in and encircle Gaza while consolidating the other axes in the north, northeast, south and southeast with air and artillery fire and imaginary movements, but this scenario is governed by their ability to collect close detailed information about the resistance.
The ground war is not a picnic. It is an opportunity for direct confrontation between the Palestinian fighter, armed with his will and courage, and the Israeli soldier, whose morale and the support of his planes and tanks are deteriorating.
Finally, the Palestinian resistance fighters are waiting for the opportunity for a direct and close clash!?
*Military expert and analyst
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Will a ground war occur? Possible goals and scenarios?