

Sun 15 Oct 2023 9:54 am - Jerusalem Time

There is no security or peace in the world without the full realization of Palestinian national rights

The ink of the pen has melted and the voice has “sharpened” and the Palestinian people are demanding the implementation of international resolutions related to the Palestinian issue, but unfortunately the major state that falsely claims to be the leader of democracy, human rights, and against racial discrimination, is becoming clear every day that it is against democracy when it comes to the Palestinian people.

It is true to say that the large number of Palestinian factions and their failure to agree on a single decision weakens our cause, but the Palestinian people have one word, meaning to seize independence and freedom like the rest of the peoples of the world.

We have been suffering for seventy-five years under the last uprooted and racist colonialism in the world. Neither America nor Europe is fair to us.

The crying joke is when the colonialist, the representative of the rogue state in the Security Council, speaks and claims with pictures that the Palestinian fighter, the owner of the land, is treated by his Ashkenazi enemy, who took away his homeland, Palestine, where his fathers and grandfathers lived for more than five thousand years, and he forgets what the colonizer did of burning Palestinian children while they were sleeping in their homes.

Every day, the occupation army executes our children and youth, and the Western world, led by America, does nothing to deter this army, which is ready to be armed by our enemy, America.

What's worse is that the Zionist Blinken says that Saudi Arabia would have agreed with the racist and occupying state if it were not for Hamas.

We are a peaceful people. The Liberation Organization ceded 78% of historic Palestine, and America and the occupier agreed, but unfortunately nothing happened. On the contrary, the colonizer increased the theft of lands, the demolition of homes, and the expulsion of residents and their children.

He was not satisfied with this, but we see daily his attacks on our sanctities, especially the storming of the colonists in the thousands, led by him and their ministers, on the first two qiblahs and the third of the Holy Mosque.

The Al-Aqsa flood was the result of the settlers’ practices, with the occupation army protecting it through daily raids on Al-Aqsa and holding Talmudic prayers in its courtyards, while the world did not move.

America and the Western world must do justice to the Palestinian Arab people and implement all international resolutions, the first of which is returning all refugees to their lands and homes, because there is no peace, security or stability in the region without the Palestinian people restoring their full inalienable national rights.

The racist, extremist, and murderous occupier, with the help of America, is impossible to defeat the owner of the land, who is fighting to regain his land and the land of his ancestors, and this is the fundamental difference between the one who fights to regain his land and the one who fights to occupy someone else’s land.

Now, not tomorrow, Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit (i.e., the Arab League) must provide all the Gaza Strip’s needs, including electricity, medical supplies, and food, because our people there are defending the honor of all Arabs and Muslims. Because proud Gaza is considered a disaster-stricken and besieged land.

The "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation is on behalf of the Arab and Islamic nation.

It is time to take away our national rights. History will not have mercy on anyone who neglects this duty. Praise be to God, there are no traitors in the issue of Palestine, and God is the One who seeks help.

*Member of the National Council


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There is no security or peace in the world without the full realization of Palestinian national rights