

Sun 15 Oct 2023 9:58 am - Jerusalem Time

Proposal of a way out of the bloody impasse

Air strikes and bombing are still continuing on the Gaza Strip, and every passing minute brings with it new victims and new destruction. At the same time, rockets are still being launched from the Gaza Strip towards Israeli towns and cities, reaching everywhere from north to south, causing new victims and new destruction, even though the injuries and destruction expected in Israel are almost insignificant when compared to the amount of killing and human casualties that Israel inflicts on the population of the crowded Gaza Strip. So populated that shells sow death and destruction wherever they fall, even if they are not directed against a specific target.

The declared Israeli goal of the counterattack launched by Israeli forces is to uproot the Hamas movement from the Gaza Strip and put an end to the threat it poses to Israel, according to its leaders, which is embodied in successive rounds every few years during which Hamas bombs Israel with missiles and Israel responds by sometimes invading the Gaza Strip or bombing it. At other times, the fighting stops waiting for the next round, which makes the Israeli government face increasing pressure from its public opinion demanding an end to these rounds and the provision of security to its southern settlements adjacent to the border with the Gaza Strip.

There is no doubt that the current round differs from previous rounds, and it appears that it will be the last of them because, in addition to internal political considerations and partisan bidding in Israel, other elements were available to the Israelis that give the impression that the current war government that was formed after Saturday’s attack will move forward more than any previous government. 

These elements are represented by the current government’s ability to turn international public opinion against Hamas because it succeeded in portraying Hamas as ISIS and presenting the results of the attack on Saturday 10/7 as a new Holocaust against the Jews, as well as the United States joining the battle, for American internal political reasons and international considerations affected by the nuclear file. 

Iran and the Russian war in Ukraine, not as a superpower trying to maintain international security and stability through United Nations institutions, most notably the UN Security Council, but as a direct party to the conflict by moving aircraft carriers and putting commando units on standby to enter the war, in addition to mobilizing an international coalition. Supporting its move, and by dealing with Israel as the Ukraine of the Middle East, providing it with weapons, equipment, and political and economic support!

This mobilization placed the region on the brink of a volcano that could erupt more violently if Israel carried out a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, which may have begun while this article was going to press.

The question remains: Will Israel succeed in uprooting Hamas and putting an end to the threat facing its southern regions, or will it fail and that the attack it is carrying out will deepen the conflict, complicate the problem, and enter the region into a closed bloody circle from which there is no escape?
If Israel enters the Gaza Strip, it will not go on a picnic, and its forces’ path will be paved with death, blood, and fire in every inch of it, which will make matters more miserable because its forces will also sow death and destruction in everything they reach.

When will Israel and America understand that the problem does not lie with Hamas, but rather lies in the self-evident fact that the Palestinian people have a right, and that the crime that was committed against them by trying to uproot them from their homeland in 1948 and is still continuing to uproot them from what remains of that homeland will not pass, and that the Palestinian people will not perish? They will not surrender and will continue to fight until they obtain their established national rights, taking into account that they has expressed on more than one occasion  agreement to deal with the fait accompli facts.

And coexistence side by side with Israel in an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and in the spirit of the Arab Peace Initiative, which was adopted by the Arab countries in Beirut in 2002 and adopted by Islamic countries at a later time, which gives Israel the opportunity to normalize relations with all Arab and Islamic countries in exchange for ending the occupation and providing the opportunity for the establishment of a Palestinian state with its capital. Arab Jerusalem and a just solution to the refugee problem.

Today we are living in difficult days, not only for the Palestinians but also for the Israelis. No matter how much the Israelis are able to practice killing and destruction against the Palestinians, they will not enjoy security and stability unless this is achieved for the Palestinians.

Today, what is required of America and the international community is to comply with truth, justice, and the logic of history, which confirms that a people who stood on their feet and demanded their right to freedom and independence cannot be oppressed.

Today, we are required to stop this bloody madness and get out of this cycle through a political initiative based on the Palestine Liberation Organization assuming responsibility for managing the Gaza Strip and strengthening this role Palestinianly with the participation of all national and Islamic factions, Arab and international, through a transitional phase that places the West Bank and the Gaza Strip under international protection that guarantees the transition. The peaceful transition from the stage of violence to the stage of security and stability, and addressing all the phenomena that generate violence and destabilize security and stability in the region, the summit of which is the Israeli settlement and occupation.

There is no doubt that the entrance to that stage must be through an immediate ceasefire and the immediate release of Israeli civilian hostages in exchange for the simultaneous release of Palestinian female prisoners and Palestinian children, ensuring the safety of the prisoners on both sides, entering into intense and serious negotiations to exchange prisoners, closing this file, and entering into a covenant. A new era of coexistence, and dedication to healing the wounds of the past and building a new era of peace and prosperity for the benefit of the two peoples, because war is not the solution, peoples are invincible, and truth and justice are what prevail in the end.

This may seem like a dream that does not relate to reality, but all great works begin with a dream that finds someone working to turn it into reality.
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Proposal of a way out of the bloody impasse