The Al-Aqsa flood has not ended yet, and no one at this moment can be certain how it will end, but I can summarize my opinion by saying, “I am afraid.”
Israel was able to adopt a media policy that understands the mentality of the West and knows how to play the chord it likes.
It began talking about the attack on Saturday 7/10 as a twin of 9/11, and she knows what 9/11 means to Americans in particular and to the West in general. It also knows that the bombings that day were carried out by Al-Qaeda, or at least that is what the media says this, and likening the 7/10 attack to the 9/11 attack means that the losses are similar if we take the population ratio of the two countries into account, and it symbolizes that the one who carried out the 7/10 attack is an organization similar to Al-Qaeda.
After promoting Al-Qaeda’s narrative, it went up another level and began talking about beheading children and raping women, and proceeded from that statement to liken the actions of Hamas fighters to ISIS fighters, knowing that the international collective memory is full of pictures and numbers about the horrific practices of ISIS.
Therefore, likening Hamas to ISIS is something that provokes Western public opinion and makes it identify with the victim, which in this case is Israel. Many took this bait and began talking about the "horrible crimes" committed by Hamas fighters, and US President Biden was one of the first to take the bait and adopt the Israeli narrative, despite the White House later saying that there was no evidence for that.
Although the White House said that there was no evidence for this, the US Secretary of State continued to insist on adopting the story of rape and killing of children. The observer should not be surprised by this because when Blinken appeared in the press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on Thursday, he said that he came here as a Jew, and thus he affirmed without feeling that he was biased towards his Jewishness and not an honest observer searching for the truth.
The danger behind comparing Hamas to ISIS is that anyone who adopts this comparison automatically legitimizes everything Israel does against Hamas because it is “ISIS”!!! This means giving Israel the green light to do whatever it wants in Gaza as long as its war is a war against ISIS! However, this does not mean that everyone who lined up behind Israel and declared his absolute support for it in its war against Hamas and described this as its right to defend itself, not all of them are because of ISIS, but rather some of them traditionally stand with Israel, whether it is unjust or oppressed, and at the forefront of these are major European countries in addition to the United States.
By the way, a number of European countries immediately took the initiative to condemn the attack on Israel and declared their absolute support for it in its response to Hamas and considered this a legitimate right for self-defense. Among these countries are Germany, France, Britain and others.
It is unfortunate that these countries completely ignored the fact that the attack on Israel did not come out of nowhere, but rather from part of a people who have been living under Israeli occupation for more than half a century, and that if this country had applied the principles of international law and United Nations resolutions, it would have been able a long time ago to end the occupation and thus end the tragedy of the Palestinian people and such an attack would not have occurred.
Aside from the emotional outbursts and enthusiastic songs, I say that the attack carried out by Hamas on Saturday 10/7, with the exception of the moral blow it dealt to the army and the Israeli people, which inflamed the feelings of the oppressed people and quenched their grief, did not bring us one iota closer to liberating Palestine. On the contrary, it did not consider the consequences and did not achieve anything for the Palestinian cause. Rather, it provided material to distort the image of the Palestinian struggle because of the practices attributed to this attack against civilians, including the kidnapping of children, mothers, and elderly women over the age of eighty-five to Gaza as hostages, and Hamas has not yet refuted these lies and is capable of doing so.
The scene now calls for concern and fear. The military operations taking place in the Gaza Strip under the name of uprooting the authority of Hamas may develop, under the international cover given to them, into uprooting the Palestinian people in Gaza and returning it under Israeli security control after displacing a large percentage of its population outside the borders of the Gaza Strip. This work in the Gaza Strip coincides with a plan to liquidate the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. The first indication of this plan was the European Union stopping financial aid to the Authority, which amounts to about 728 million euros annually. This was followed by a German decision to stop development aid to the Authority and reconsider it.
These punitive measures against Ramallah raise astonishment because Ramallah was not part of Saturday’s attack and because such measures will lead to the liquidation of the existence of the authority, which has no alternative but to perpetuate annexation and settlement, and pave the way for Israel, its settlers and its army to completely seize the West Bank and Jerusalem. All of this is in parallel with the liquidation of the Gaza Strip and the extension of Israeli hegemony over it, thus achieving the dream of Greater Israel over the entire Palestinian territory, “the Western Land of Israel,” at a time when these countries are still committed to the two-state solution in word, and are killing it in reality. Not to mention that some of the presidents of some of these countries go so far in verbally abusing President Abbas, such as describing his silence on the attack as shameful or demanding that he condemn the attack in clear terms without any linguistic preamble, knowing that President Abbas is facing internal difficulties that stem primarily from his commitment to negotiations and his rejection of any form of violence, and demanding such statements at this particular time is a demand for political suicide. A conspiracy is beginning to unfold, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions
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My reading of what is happening, it may not please some, and I hope I am wrong!