This week, a spontaneous and sweeping popular national unity emerged, sweeping away the politicians who formed, inside and out, an emergency government. This government has the ability to maintain "unity" and lead the people to victory on the two fronts that the people are facing. Naturally, we all focus on the southern front, but essentially, the northern front is the most dangerous for the country's population. Without a pre-emptive strike, hundreds of thousands of missiles will fall, including many accurate missiles capable of causing a large number of deaths on the home front, and devastating destruction of infrastructure, including military infrastructure, which will limit the power of the Israeli army, especially the air force, on Decisive response.
After the "massacre" in Bari and in the Gaza village and the pictures of the kidnapped people, world public opinion allows us, more than ever before - and perhaps in the future - to launch a pre-emptive attack against the missile system that threatens us, and make Nasrallah's fate similar to that of Yahya Sinwar.
The moral frustration resulting from the shameful failure of the Second Lebanon War [the July 2006 war] prompted the Israeli government and army to allow Nasrallah to arm itself with many missiles. They threatened, and are still threatening: “If Hezbollah attacks the Israeli population, we will return Lebanon to the Stone Age.” This theory is distorted and not possible. Revenge will not bring back to life thousands of dead, perhaps tens of thousands, nor will it rebuild the infrastructure that was destroyed. Through the studios, the generals who failed in the Lebanon war reassure us that “Hezbollah is a deterrent.” “Terrorist organizations” are not deterred, as was proven on Saturday. Hamas knew what awaited it after the mass “massacre.”
We must wake up from this theory that has persisted for many years, which says that we in the north are dealing with a “rational terrorist” organization. Nasrallah's organization must be overthrown now - and not just when it rains thousands of missiles on us. Now, after Joe Biden warned Iran and Hezbollah against the attack, while the Israeli army, especially the air force, has time to organize. Missing this special window of opportunity can be long regretted.
Israel has no territorial claims in Lebanon. Nasrallah knows that if we do not attack, we will never attack. Therefore, he filled his reserves, aiming to kill as many Jews as possible and avenge the Nakba. Instead of understanding his intentions well and carrying out a pre-emptive operation when his missiles were few and primitive, Israel contained him. At first, the Olmert government contained it, then the weak Netanyahu governments. We must also remember that the overwhelming majority of the heads of the security establishment supported this containment. We now see them sitting in the studios and evading their responsibilities and the sin they committed, the consequences of which are now unspeakably glaring: uprooting Gush Katif and allowing Hamas to take control of the Gaza Strip.
Source: Haaretz
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