Whoever watches what is happening in the Al-Rimal neighborhood and in other neighborhoods in Gaza City, it will come to his mind that we are facing a war crime like the one that took place in the German city of Dresden on February 13, 1945, the day British and American planes raided the city and turned it into rubble. That day, 800 British Avro Lancaster bombers and 311 American B-17 aircraft attacked the city of Dresden. British planes dropped 1,478 tons of high-explosive bombs and 1,182 tons of incendiary bombs on the sleeping city, creating a fiery hurricane. Then American planes dropped 771 tons of bombs on February 14, and 466 tons the next day.
There were no military industries in Dresden, and there were no military bases, not even supply bases for an already dilapidated German army waiting for the moment of surrender after the brutal war, which was started by the Nazi army and whose events covered the entire European continent, from the Soviet Union in the East to Great Britain in the West. This huge amount of bombs fell on the heads of civilians, completely destroying 78,000 residential homes, in addition to many other non-residential buildings, including 50 historical buildings, and causing the deaths of more than 25,000 civilians.
A number of prominent German figures, including the Nobel Prize-winning German writer, Gunter Grass, described the bombing of Dresden as a war crime. The well-known American journalist Christopher Hitchens indicated that the goal of the air attack on Dresden was to train pilots to drop bombs, while the German historian Jorg Friedrich described the bombing of Dresden as a terrorist operation.
War crimes and terrorist acts have a long record, not only in the extended history of British and American governments and administrations, but also in the rulers of Tel Aviv. These are common denominators between the rulers of London, Washington, and Tel Aviv throughout the long history of an alliance whose satanic character is not hidden from anyone. It is certainly not new to the rulers of Tel Aviv since the implementation of the horrific crimes in the "Plan Dalet", which was approved by the leadership of both the Jewish Agency and the Zionist movement in March 1948 and resulted in the erasure of hundreds of Palestinian towns and villages from existence, and it is the same for new extremists in Israel like Itamar Ben Gvir, Bezalel Smotrich and others are just training for what is coming according to the decisive plan that is being implemented in stages in the West Bank with the full support of Benjamin Netanyahu, whose army was busy with Gaza with myths and with accompanying those obsessed with performing Talmudic prayers in “Joseph’s Tomb” and in “The Altar of Yesha” and providing Protection for settlements, settlement outposts, so-called pastoral farms, and the Jewish terrorist organizations and entities they contain, such as the “Hill Youth” thugs and the “price tag” thugs.
Returning to Dresden, the weight of the bombs dropped on it in two days by British and American planes amounted to about 2,249 tons. Gaza is not far from this number so far, as the Israeli occupation army spokesman stated that its planes dropped more than a thousand on the Strip in the first and second days of the aggression. tons of explosives, which means that the weight of the explosives dropped by its planes on innocent civilians, the longer the aggression lasts, will be many times greater than what that German city was exposed to, which means that the world will be facing a humanitarian catastrophe. The American administration pledged to double its suffering by supplying the rulers of Hill Aviv with more American-made bombs of death and destruction dropped by American-made planes on Gaza to wipe out neighborhoods from the map and empty a strip of land of its residents in preparation for a new type of control plan for the Gaza Strip that the rulers of Tel Aviv have in mind, after the failure of a unilateral withdrawal from the Strip from Achieving all its goals.
Gunther Gross, the great German writer, passed away eight years ago. He was described as the conscience of Germany and the dean of its writers. He did not hesitate to criticize the State of Israel. He did not hesitate to demand the disarmament of its nuclear weapons. In his famous poem “What Should Be Said,” he early on directed harsh criticism of Benjamin Netanyahu’s policy and behavior, free from the German guilt complex. Nazism in Germany and the horrors of the Holocaust are not an excuse for us to remain silent about Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons.” In his poem, Gross tried as much as he could to destroy the “idol of worship” that is anti-Semitism, and he stood and warned the world of the madness of Israeli arrogance, a madness that could go beyond the madness of the current barbaric aggression on the Gaza Strip and the accompanying war crimes to something greater and more dangerous, If Biden's move to send aircraft carriers, battleships, and destroyers to the eastern Mediterranean exceeds the limits of political maneuvering.
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So it is a new Dresden and a war of extermination...Mr. Biden