

Wed 11 Oct 2023 9:19 am - Jerusalem Time

Where will the Palestinian October lead?

Every war, regardless of its size, and regardless of the number of armies, states, and peoples participating in it, must result in political arrangements, in which new maps are approved, and as a result of which multiple entities are created, if we are talking about a global or regional war.

In the case of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, it is a permanent state of war. It did not begin on the morning of October 7, 2023, but rather began at the beginning of the last century, and it has been going on for a long time until it can be described as the war of the two centuries.

With a calm reading of the facts of history, we conclude that the Palestinians made mistakes and were right, but what is recorded in their favor from the first day of their national struggle until our days is that they made huge sacrifices, perhaps the highest compared to their number, and preserved their cause, rights, and national identity despite the pressure of the traditional balance of power, which is always To their disadvantage, and also despite the alliance superiority of their Israeli opponent, which enjoys permanent European and American support.

Many times, the Palestinian file was opened to attempts at a solution, and many times military coups took place in the Arab incubator, the liberation of Palestine being its number one message. More and more times, the solution to the case seemed as if it was just around the corner, but it was a mirage. Whenever you approached it, you could find no water.

It is self-evident that a Palestinian revolution would take place, starting with the slogan of liberating Palestine on which the State of Israel was established. After occupying the remainder of Palestinian land in 1967, and establishing the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the people and the cause in both fighting and negotiation, the Palestinians responded to the world’s demand to give up regarding the first revolution declaration that was launched in 1965, the discourse and effort focused on establishing a Palestinian state on the lands occupied in 1967, without abandoning the demand to solve the refugee issue in accordance with international legitimacy.

After October 1973, the file was opened again, with Egyptian-Israeli talks separate from the basic talks between the Egyptian state and the Hebrew state. The Palestinians rejected the principle of the talks that focused on self-rule, and the Egyptians continued their work, which finally led to the complete liberation of Sinai.

From the beginning of their catastrophe to the present day, the Palestinians have been moving from war to war, and from displacement to new displacement. Their journey has been full of heroism and creativity, but what they sought has not been achieved. Rather, after each battle, it seems as if it is moving away.

Now, let us take a look at the opponent’s front (Israel) and how its policies led to closing the door to settlements, which automatically leads to opening the doors to war, and let us chronicle the story since “Madrid” and then “Oslo.”

In Madrid, Shamir, the Israeli Prime Minister at the time, revealed that he was taken to the conference by force, and everyone would be lost in the maze of time without achieving anything.

As for “Oslo,” the experience that took place in Israel was plagued with one voice, by a duo that announced its program to reach power and decision-making, the basis of which was the destruction of “Oslo” and what was built on it. Since that time and to this day, the duo has remained ruling and deciding in Israel. If Sharon dies, then his partner in to finish off Oslo, he not only remained alive, but also as president for five or six consecutive terms, preserving the Likud principles he shared with the late Sharon, and they are being implemented to this day.

Israel, after the “Al-Aqsa Deluge" operation, and its declaration of war under the title of revenge, and entering into a numbers contest over the dead and wounded according to the principle that if you kill a thousand, we will kill four thousand, and if you destroy a hundred homes, we will destroy ten thousand, and this is how things are going now; which makes even talking about a political settlement a form of madness.

America moved an aircraft carrier to stand close to the shores of Israel and Gaza, and foreign countries outdid each other in talking about Israel's right to defend itself, in a demonstration of support and adoption of Israel's military choice.

Common sense says that what is expected of America and its allies around the world is, in short, a political initiative that sets aside military solutions. Its only condition is that it pleases the Palestinians and the Arabs, and not conform to Israel’s whims and agendas. Thus, it puts the cart behind the horse, so that everyone can emerge from the cycle of occupation and siege. The wars that began in our country three-quarters of a century ago are still active and of frightening magnitude.

What satisfies the Palestinians and the Arabs is exactly what is stated in the Arab Peace Initiative and international legitimacy resolutions. With this, Israel will rest and relax, as will America and the world.


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Where will the Palestinian October lead?