

Fri 06 Oct 2023 9:19 am - Jerusalem Time

Ben Gvir justifies attacks on Christians...and the world is silent!!

Someone known as the Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, said that attacking Christians is a normal tradition to be practiced and does not violate any laws or concepts. This is an extremely irresponsible or even personal statement, because it justifies and encourages these attacks, which were carried out and are being carried out by a number of extremist Jewish extremists. After these statements, we do not rule out the multiplication of attacks of this kind and the feeling of the aggressors that they are doing something natural and normal that does not violate any concepts.

These statements of Ben Gvir must not pass without accountability, not only from Christians but from the international community and global institutions, which are many and constantly call for not harming any rights of any sect or different parties, but they remain silent regarding statements like this coming from a responsible person in a position. How long will this crazy silence that encourages aggression and contempt for others last?!

What is Blinken carrying?!
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will visit Israel and the West Bank within a short period, and according to various news reports, his talks on the Israeli side will revolve around the normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia and its requirements, first and foremost American-Israeli coordination on the steps that Israel must implement, first and foremost providing facilities for the benefit of the Palestinians and Israel’s approval of Saudi Arabia’s request for Uranium enrichment on its territory.

According to the same sources, the American administration informed Israel that without implementing important steps for the Palestinians, it will be difficult for the Senate to approve the security-military deal with Saudi Arabia, which includes normalization, while the Israeli government continues to underestimate Palestinian demands.

Washington did not demand Israel’s withdrawal from the West Bank, starting from Jerusalem, nor the establishment of a Palestinian state, but rather the provision of facilities, which are just talk in the air, because what our people are asking for is not merely the provision of facilities, but a complete Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and considering East Jerusalem as the capital of our promised state and the removal of the settlements that fill the West Bank and devouring the land and working to displace our people and make the establishment of a state impossible.

Blinken is coming to facilitate the path to normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia, but our people, who bear all the aggressions of the occupation and its expansionist plans and resist them with all their capabilities, will not accept what Blinken is planning nor the attacks carried out by Israel, and will remain steadfast, patient and strong, defending their right to establish a state and live in peace and stability. No matter how long or short the time is, the future is ours, no matter the challenges and obstacles.


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Ben Gvir justifies attacks on Christians...and the world is silent!!