

Wed 04 Oct 2023 9:42 am - Jerusalem Time

The status of the Palestinian solution on the Saudi normalization agenda

Still... there is a wide-ranging discussion about the issue of Saudi-Israeli normalization, and this discussion is not devoid of the Palestinian issue. Is it essential to the matter of normalization? Or is it less than that?

Saudi reassurances to the Palestinians in direct meetings and in official statements indicate that the solution according to the Arab Peace Initiative, and towards the two-state solution, is at the heart of the process, and this is supported by American statements at several levels to this effect.

However, Israel has another statement through which it seeks to show that the Palestinian issue is not essential to the process. Many have even considered it a burden on normalization. There is a discussion about how to get rid of it!!

Given that the normalization process is still within the framework of negotiations between the three concerned parties, prior estimates of the results remain mere judgments, and this raises for discussion a fundamental question in return, which is: Is the issue a burden on Saudi Arabia or an asset? The instigators, who are pushing for Saudi abandonment of it, have gone so extreme as to consider the Palestinian people a heavy burden on the Kingdom, and that the financial and political support it provides to this people is unnecessary, and that the Saudi people are more deserving of it. The peak of the extremes in this direction was an article published in the form of a letter to Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the conclusion of which is: It is in the Kingdom’s interest to bypass the Palestinian issue and go to normalization with Israel without it, with justifications that included an insult to the people and their sacrifices with what was portrayed as being merely offered to them. Charitable work is met with disobedience and denial!

Saudi policy towards the Palestinians, from the beginning of their catastrophe until the beginning of talk about normalization with Israel, was an objective policy dictated by the political, moral and moral interests of the major state. If this is considered a waste and misplaced support, then this is a matter that entails a grave insult to the Kingdom, as if it is improvising its policies, in a way that contradicts the interests of its people. The Kingdom has white hands towards the Palestinians that cannot be denied, nor should it be underestimated. The Palestinians have a contribution to building, which the Kingdom does not deny from the beginning of its founding until Our days...

King Salman, may God prolong his life, was directly responsible for supporting the Palestinians, their people, cause and revolution. He never dealt with the Palestinians as beggars or interlopers, but rather dealt with them with all respect and responsibility, opening the doors of the Kingdom to them to work and to contribute with their Saudi brothers in all fields. Fate wants the file of Saudi-Israeli normalization to be opened while King Salman is in his position and position, and his son appointed by him leads with great efficiency the most important internal Saudi change and development process, and with the same importance runs an effective policy at the regional and global levels.

What happens in closed rooms remains the property of those sitting there, until the conclusions are officially announced, either by agreement or separation.

An issue that must be paid attention to, before the final announcement, is that what is said through the media, especially by Israel, is not objective, but rather directed to serve its agenda based on the principle of taking a lot in exchange for giving a little, without being separated from the desire to offer nothing!

It is consistent with the Israeli agenda in this direction. Some voices, albeit few, promote the idea that the Palestinian issue is a burden on Saudi Arabia, which it must get rid of by going ahead with the normalization process, even if it requires removing the issue from the agenda. It is said to justify this that it is a difficult and complex issue. And that adhering to it prevents the achievement of special Saudi interests, which is the fundamental reason, as they say, for the idea of ​​normalization at all.

This makes us put the Palestinian issue in the bilateral and tripartite normalization negotiations currently underway, in its rightful weight and place, and greatly harms the Kingdom in considering it a burden that must be eliminated, as it is, in fact, a card of heavy caliber, with which the Kingdom is armed in a way that provides it with strength in addition to its own, integrated strength. With its Arab, Islamic and international alliances, which it sees as a fundamental issue that it puts much more pressure on than it is pressured on, the Kingdom that has the Arab Peace Initiative is not alone in taking a position different from the positions of its Arab and Muslim brothers, and it does not contradict the international consensus related to the Palestinian issue, but rather works in harmony with it. In accordance with its political and moral determinants and the clear texts of its decisions in this direction.

While the Kingdom places the Palestinian issue at the heart of its agendas, it is a modern state that makes its policies using modern means as well. It realizes the historical and strategic significance of the fact that it is working on a settlement that it is satisfied with, its Arab and Palestinian brothers, and the entire world are satisfied with.

A settlement for a long-term tragedy and an opponent who is committing the most heinous crimes against the Palestinian person, his rights and his property, in a way that badly affects his present and future.

The Kingdom's story with the Palestinians is its story with all the peoples to whom it has provided so much over the decades. It suffices us, and even satisfies us, the always declared Saudi interpretation of the Kingdom’s relationship with the Palestinian issue, as all the kings said, “They are acting in accordance with the will of the founder, King Abdul Aziz, may God have mercy on him, towards Palestine, its cause, and its people.”

The Kingdom, which occupies its true position in international life, as a fundamental power, realizes the importance of the Palestinian issue, and does not see it as a burden on it, and everything Saudi Arabia does contradicts that.


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The status of the Palestinian solution on the Saudi normalization agenda