Mon 04 Sep 2023 10:13 am - Jerusalem Time

The struggle against occupation

Within 48 hours, the outcome of the Palestinian resistance action was as follows:

A run over attack in Hebron, a stabbing attack in Jerusalem and a soldier injured, a bomb attack in Nablus and a soldier injured, a trampling operation in Ramallah and 4 soldiers injured.

The settlement's finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, from the site of the Ramallah operation, said: "We are burying Israelis every day. We must change this fate."

The Palestinians most likely targeted settlers in the second occupation zones in 1967, and since the beginning of this year 28 Israelis have been killed.

The Palestinians, along with the Arabs, Muslims, Christians, and all the forces of peace, goodness, and dignity, call the work of the Palestinians a legitimate resistance action sanctioned by international law and laws, and the Israelis call the Palestinian resistance action a "terrorism" carried out by "terrorists."

The fundamental question that flows and imposes itself upon the killing of every Israeli, and the martyrdom of every Palestinian, against the background of the action: the resistance fighter or the terrorist, what is the reason?? Is the Palestinian desire for martyrdom, or their desire to kill the other, just for the sake of martyrdom and getting rid of life, just for killing the Israeli out of hatred, hatred or racism??.

What is happening in Palestine is caused by: one reason: the occupation, and its colonial, Israeli, Zionist, and Jewish expansionist project, which is based on expansion, expulsion, displacement, and harm to the rights and lives of the Palestinians on the land of their homeland, which they have no homeland other than: Palestine.

Since the beginning of this year, 28 Israelis have been killed, and 218 Palestinians have been killed or martyred since the beginning of this year, including 34 children. Who is the criminal?? Who is the aggressor? Who owns the means of killing?? And confiscating and plundering the land and expelling its owners to the void, to the unknown?? Who occupied the land of the other?? From which country are the Netanyahu family, Smotrich, Ben Gvir, their families, and the overwhelming majority of Israeli settlers?? There is no doubt that they are from outside Palestine, while we do not find a Palestinian in areas 48 or areas 67 except that he was born from a father, grandfather, and a family of Palestinians on the land of Palestine!!

So what are the motives for the resistance action, the jihadi action, the multi-form struggle and the tools, metaphorically the "terrorist" action??.

The motives of the whole work are the occupation, the violence of the occupation, the confiscation of the right of the Palestinian Arab, the Muslim, the Druze Christian, the confiscation of his right to life, dignity and independence, the restoration of the freedom of the homeland, the human being, and the end of the historical injustice that befell the Arab-Palestinian person since the Balfour Declaration to give the homeland of the Palestinians to the Zionist movement and the Jewish Agency And to the settlers who came as settler invaders to Palestine or fleeing from the Nazism and fascism of the Europeans to occupy and colonize the homeland of the Palestinians, and even added to that the occupation of the Syrian Golan, its confiscation and annexation, and its annexation to the map of the colony with land from southern Lebanon.

With the end of the occupation, the disappearance of the phenomena of colonization, the return of Palestinian refugees from refugee camps and displacement outside Palestine, and the Palestinians obtaining their right to independence on the land of their homeland, the resistance work ends, the terrorist act ends: do they understand??.


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The struggle against occupation


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