Sat 26 Aug 2023 10:12 am - Jerusalem Time

op-ed: Is the defect in the curricula or in the educational system?

Have our schools succeeded in producing the Palestinian person who is able to face the challenges??

A question that I think is very important, when schools receive our children for twelve years, will they succeed in producing the Palestinian person who is able to face the challenges?

Who puts his hand on the wound and guides us? Where is the problem? in Curriculum or in education system? Or it is the philosophy of education? Or the goals of education? Is there a problem in working on the motives of behavior while we work in the behavioral manifestations?

The conversation is long and it has become axiomatic to say: about the importance of knowledge, its demand, respect for the teacher and the success of the educational process. It is clear that focusing on the importance of the subject is something we master, but how do we reach the behavioral values in our lives?? Yes, our problem is how? Did we succeed in reaching our goals, and did the methods and means that we used succeed in getting us to these goals? Then in the philosophy of education, do we have our own philosophy that carries our civilized identity, or is it a mixture between the Western and the Eastern, so we have not mastered the Western, nor have we preserved the Eastern?

For example: (The value of democracy as a behavioral value that Western schools succeeded in producing and became a practical practice in their lives, in the school, home and institution... Have we, for example, succeeded in producing value or ethics as a practical application and as a behavioral product in our lives?? The answer is clear: No or not as it should be. .. Beautiful, for example: Why didn't we produce our morals as behavioral values in our lives?

Why do we learn? To produce morals and behavioral values? Or do we produce a person with a lot of information? Or a citizen committed to the laws and regulations of the state and the needs of the capitalist market, or the creation of a human being capable of forming a family and having children capable of meeting their subsistence needs and living in peace and well-being far from his cause and the concern of his general people, or a free human being engaged with the occupier, who was beset by the scourge of the occupation in a devastating way for all of his psychological and life components, and he able to face it par excellence?

An essential question, if he worked on it well, it would produce a lot: How do you teach values and morals in our schools? Are the inputs commensurate with the required outputs, which are more urgent today than before?

The values of freedom, human dignity, and the realization of self-fulfillment that is capable of confrontation, challenge, steadfastness, in light of an occupation that wants to uproot us from our roots, erase our cultural and civilizational identity, and deform in us all the components of a personality that is capable of self-realization and victory.

For example, many of those who get good material opportunities that require emigration from the country do not think about it for one second. Why does he so easily abandon his bond, steadfastness and continuity with his people, who are engaged in the occupation?

I believe, according to the existing outputs of our schools and their educational curricula, that we have undoubtedly achieved many successes in the reality of science, education, but we have also failed a lot in producing a person who challenges and achieves victory. The current occupation continued to want to wipe our people off the geographical, historical and political map. Of course, I do not deny this absolutely, but in general it is like this. There are systematic attempts that seek to divert the Palestinian person from being able to do what is required of him according to the challenges he faces in his life. For example, there are UNRWA schools and the imposition of non-partisanship on the educational process. The teacher should not take sides with Palestine and its cause and should remain neutral. I know that the majority of our teachers reject this matter, but in the end we do not produce a person for the cause, so to speak, in the sense of a person who belongs to his cause and has the willingness to sacrifice for it.

We must sound the alarm and work hard to bring about the required change in our curricula and schools according to a well-defined educational philosophy, to determine first, what are the determinants and features of the Palestinian personality and what we are required to produce, in accordance with these challenges, especially with the existence of this unprecedented Israeli extremism, especially in our schools in Jerusalem.


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op-ed: Is the defect in the curricula or in the educational system?