

Tue 18 Jul 2023 10:12 am - Jerusalem Time

Disagreements within Israel will not lead to civil war

We previously talked about not relying too much on the current US-Israeli dispute, which is mainly caused by the term “judicial reform”, which the US considers Israel’s abandonment of what it calls democratic values, while the occupying state, as well as America, are far from that when it comes to other peoples and even within the two states. Where discrimination is clear and evident not only against the Palestinians, but also against the Jews.

Today, we will deal with not relying too much on the differences within the occupying state, which some believe may lead to a civil war inside Israel between the "secular" Westerners and the religious biblical ones, as well as the distinction between these combined and most of the Easterners.

The ongoing dispute within the occupying state since the last elections, that is, about six months ago, and which is based on what is called judicial reform, is a dispute that can be resolved in several ways and means before it leads to what is called a civil war, especially since the United States of America is against this reform, as we indicated previously.

However, it was Netanyahu's clinging to power that fueled the situation, because his abandonment of reform will lead to the collapse of his most right-wing and extremist government in the history of the governments of the occupying state, rather the most exposed racism and clear and obvious hostility to the Palestinians, which does not bring him back to power again, but perhaps to imprisonment because of issues Bad credit and bribery filed against him.

Likewise, Netanyahu, who is well versed in politics and deception, can unite all Jews against the Palestinians through a series of attacks and wars that are launched against them, whether in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.

We saw this clearly when he carried out the aggression against Jenin and its camp at the beginning of this month, as the opposition, which is behind the demonstrations against the Netanyahu government, supported the government in this aggression in which all kinds of weapons were used, including missiles, helicopters, drones, and various military vehicles.

When Netanyahu feels that the situation may get out of his hands, he resorts to aggression, whether against the Palestinians, southern Lebanon, Syria, or even Iran, with the aim of deflecting attention from what is happening inside Israel and to unite the Jews in supporting this aggression, and giving priority to the external contradiction over Internal contradiction and disagreement, which leads to the cessation of these demonstrations against his government.

Therefore, the Palestinian side as well as the Arabs, specifically Syria and Lebanon, are called upon to work to take caution and caution, because the occupying state, as in the past, will solve its internal contradictions and problems through wars and aggression that may be launched at any moment, especially in the aggression against southern Lebanon, where more than one Israeli official They made it clear that the situation in the north, that is, with southern Lebanon, is hot, and this means that it is possible for Israel to launch a large-scale aggression against southern Lebanon, especially since Hezbollah has established a military outpost in the Shebaa Farms, which Israel occupies and which belongs to Lebanon.


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Disagreements within Israel will not lead to civil war