Mon 17 Jul 2023 6:15 pm - Jerusalem Time

The government adopts the report on the reconstruction of Jenin and the damages resulting from settler attacks

Today, Monday, the Council of Ministers approved the report on the reconstruction of Jenin and its camp, and the damages resulting from the recent aggression of the occupation and the encroachments of settlers, as well as on the old town in the city of Nablus, and the settler attacks on the village of Umm Safa, and directed the competent authorities led by the Ministry of Local Government to coordinate efforts and ensure the expediting of reconstruction work. and assistance to affected citizens.

The Council had listened, in its weekly session held in Ramallah, headed by Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, to a report from the Minister of Local Government, Majdi Al-Saleh, on the work of the two committees to assess the damages resulting from the Israeli aggression on the city and camp of Jenin, as well as on the old town in the city of Nablus. And settler attacks on the village of Umm Safa.

The Council of Ministers decided to form a committee to remove encroachments on the Wadi Al-Nar road, which is to be established to facilitate traffic movement.

He also decided to strengthen the numbers of security forces in government hospitals to protect the working medical staff, and to consider next Thursday (20/7/2023) an official holiday in Palestine on the occasion of the Hijri New Year.

It approved the direct purchase to support and operate the e-government services system, approved the final assignment of a number of development and construction projects in Jerusalem and schools in a number of governorates, and approved the national urban policy for the State of Palestine.

In his speech at the beginning of the session, the Prime Minister warned of the escalation of Israeli aggression and settler terror against archaeological and heritage sites in Palestine, calling on UNESCO to assume its international responsibilities in protecting these sites from attempts to extend control, Judaization and Israeliization.

He said: "The Israeli aggression and settler terrorism are escalating, and this time they focus on the Palestinian archaeological sites, as the town of Sebastia was stormed, as part of the continuous attempts to control and Judaize the archaeological area in the town, as well as what the archaeological area of ​​Ain al-Hawiya, west of the village of Husan, Beit Governorate, is exposed to. Meat, which is full of springs of water and ponds, as the occupation and its settlers seek to turn it into a religious and tourist destination for settlers.

The Prime Minister also warned of the seriousness of what the Israeli water company, Mekorot, had done, in terms of a sharp reduction in the water quotas allocated to the governorates of Hebron and Bethlehem, stressing that this is a "dangerous racist and discriminatory measure that deprives our people in these two governorates of their most basic rights to water, while The occupying state doubles the quantities of water for the colonial settlers, bearing in mind that the average Palestinian per capita consumption of water does not exceed 72 liters per day, while the Israeli consumes 320 liters per day. Our water is our right.”

In another matter, the Prime Minister welcomed the adoption by the Human Rights Council of a resolution calling for the development of a database of operating companies, or those involved in direct or indirect activities working in the settlements, expressing the Cabinet's gratitude to the brotherly and friendly countries that sponsored and supported this decision, given the Its importance in the annual development of the database of companies that contribute to the Israeli colonial system and its nourishment.

He called on countries that did not support the resolution to review their positions and stop encouraging the occupation authorities for their crimes, because this position is not only hostile to human rights, but also to international law.

On another issue, the Prime Minister wished the students good results in the 2023 general secondary exam, the results of which will be announced next Thursday morning, thanking the Ministry of Education staff for their efforts.

He directed the students and their families to choose the appropriate majors and professions that meet their desires and needs in Palestine, while he said to those who did not pass the exam: "It is not the end, there is another opportunity, and there are always multiple horizons."

On behalf of the Council of Ministers, he offered "congratulations from our people and from the Arab and Islamic nations on the occasion of the Hijri New Year 1445, asking God Almighty to return it to our people with freedom and the establishment of an independent state, with Jerusalem as its capital, and to the Arab and Islamic nations with goodness, progress and development."


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The government adopts the report on the reconstruction of Jenin and the damages resulting from settler attacks