Thu 13 Jul 2023 10:43 am - Jerusalem Time

The battle of Jenin... a complete Israeli failure and a qualitative shift towards the resistance

Perhaps the battle of Jenin camp a few days ago will enter history as the moment of qualitative transformation of the accumulations that continue in the awareness and struggle of the Palestinian people since 2015. There is no exaggeration in comparing it to the Battle of Dignity that took place in March of 1968 and represented the first victory over the Israeli army, which was mired in its resulting arrogance. For his overwhelming victory in the June 1967 aggression.

The qualitative transformation here is not limited to the fact that Netanyahu, his huge army and his fascist government, have failed miserably in achieving their goals of breaking the resistance of the Jenin camp and liquidating the resistance fighters and their popular base, but also in the transformation of the popular incubator of the resistance in the Jenin camp into a general Palestinian incubator in all of historical Palestine. .

In its aggression against the Jenin camp, whose area does not exceed half a square kilometer, with a large population density of sixteen thousand refugees who were displaced by the Israeli ethnic cleansing during the Nakba in 1948, Israel used more than a full brigade of one thousand six hundred soldiers with armored vehicles, tanks, Apache helicopters and missiles. And entire swarms of military marches and a massive intelligence system failed.

As the director of the Al-Jazeera channel in Ramallah, Walid Al-Omari, said, Israel was able in the past with this amount of army and equipment to occupy an entire country, but it was unable to break the Jenin camp, and its forces withdrew while dragging the tails of disappointment, after translating its hatred into total destruction. The camp’s infrastructure, including roads and streets, electricity and water networks, health facilities and hundreds of homes, dared to fire live bullets and tear gas at hospitals, attacked teams and ambulances, shot journalists, and left wounded people bleeding to death without allowing medical teams to reach them .

Nevertheless, Israel failed to arrest or liquidate the resistance fighters, and failed to destroy the structure of the resistance and incurred losses until the moment its forces left the camp.

Perhaps the most important features of the qualitative transformation witnessed by the past days in Palestine are represented in a number of points:
First: the involvement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian youth in the activities of the resistance in all its forms, until it became impossible to distinguish between the professional resistance fighters and the thousands of youth participating in the resistance, and thus the armed resistance turned, in fact, into a part of a comprehensive popular resistance.

Second: Strengthening the conviction of the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people, in light of the frenzied settlement expansion, and Netanyahu's declaration of his intention to eradicate the idea of ​​an independent Palestinian state, that there is no way but resistance and struggle as an alternative to the failed negotiations approach and the miserable Oslo agreement, and betting on external parties.

Third: Israel can no longer confine the resistance to specific foci, such as the Jenin camp and the old town of Nablus, and the Nur Shams camp in Tulkarm. Rather, Israel received resistance responses to its aggression against Jenin from Hebron, Ramallah, Lebanon, and the Gaza Strip. In other words, the resistance has become a general Palestinian phenomenon for the people. The entire Palestinian, regardless of where he is.

Fourth: For the Palestinians, all illusions about the possibility of obtaining international protection, or influential international official positions against Israeli fascism, have ended, in light of the United States and Britain declaring their support for the Israeli aggression and what they called "Israel's right to self-defense," and the suspicious silence of the European Union, which is unable to formulate a policy. It is independent of its own, and the realization deepens that the solution lies in self-reliance, self-organization, and resistance to occupation, and not waiting for the help of others. Palestinian official calls for international protection have become a popular joke, as a pretext to escape responsibility.

Fifth: The overwhelming popular anger has deepened against security coordination and all its ideology, which was born with the Oslo Accords, and which imposes on the security services the duty to protect the occupiers, while they are unable to protect themselves and their people from these occupiers themselves.

The popular question was: Why do the security services not confront the occupation forces that pass by their headquarters in their invasion of the Jenin camp, and why do they not participate in confronting the settlers' terrorist attacks against the Palestinians, as happened in the second intifada?

Therefore, the call to end security coordination with the occupation in practice, not formally, permanently and not for a temporary period, has become a comprehensive popular demand, such as the demand to stop all forms of political arrests and the release of all political detainees and a number of them from the resistance fighters.

Sixth: The door to achieving national unity was opened wide, through popular pressure on the official and factional Palestinian leaders to rise to the level of the militant unity created by the resistance fighters on the ground.

This popular pressure resulted in the Palestinian Authority calling for a meeting of the secretaries-general of the Palestinian forces, which it welcomed. In parallel, demands escalated that this meeting not be just a formality for taking pictures, or to ease popular pressure on the Palestinian Authority, which had previously committed its biggest mistake by canceling the elections in 2021.

It became clear that what is required before the meeting is to confirm the readiness to adopt the option of resistance and struggle in all its forms and to abandon an approach that resulted in complete failure after its launch with the signing of the Oslo agreement thirty years ago, and to be ready to agree that we are not in a stage of compromise with the Zionist movement with all its components, but rather in a stage of struggle and struggle And resistance to changing the balance of power in favor of the Palestinian people. The most important indicator of seriousness in calling for the meeting of the general secretaries is the willingness to form a unified national leadership based on a national strategy of resistance, and the immediate release of all political prisoners.

Seventh: The Palestinian people valiantly thwarted the Israeli strategy’s intrigues and attempts to stir up strife, which focus on separating the people from the resistance, separating the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, deepening the rift and division between the Fatah and Hamas movements, and inciting the Palestinian forces against each other. Events have proven that the Jenin camp was not left alone, but formed A point of polarization for integrated and unified struggle action.

Eighth: In conclusion, the Israeli aggression against the Jenin camp had completely opposite results to what Netanyahu had planned, as the escalation of repression, killing and settlement, and the announcement of the annexation and Judaization program of the West Bank only led to an escalation of the Palestinian resistance and the rise of a Palestinian youth generation that is more resolute, determined, daring, skilled and committed to the resistance than For freedom and dignity.

Will the leaders rise this time to the level of this valiant generation and the level of its struggle unity?


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The battle of Jenin... a complete Israeli failure and a qualitative shift towards the resistance