Wed 12 Jul 2023 10:18 am - Jerusalem Time

The Netanyahu government and the story of strengthening the Palestinian Authority

A large military operation carried out by the occupation army in Jenin a few days ago began with bulldozers to crush the infrastructure in the camp and destroy the water, sewage, electricity and telephone networks and burn homes and apartments. The occupation turned the Jenin camp into a desert unfit for life. There is no army that respects the rules of battle. It does this in cities, except for the occupation army, which did that. Thousands of camp residents were forced to leave at night. They left their homes under the bombardment of planes, poison gas bombs, bullets, missiles, and the roar of planes. The occupying power sent all its equipment to the camp, all formations The special forces, the ground forces, the Shin Bet, and the intelligence all failed to reach the resistance brigades, which excelled in confronting the occupation, and inflicted heavy human and material losses on them. The occupation army did not achieve any goals in the Jenin camp except to sabotage the camp. It seems that the occupation wanted to carry out a military operation that it considered a surgical operation to stop the progress of the resistance in Jenin before its strength increased and it became impossible to confront it, but it failed and returned with more failure and weakness in its security and military system, and it failed In closing the way for the growing resistance in the West Bank, and Netanyahu failed to use this process to persuade the Israelis and the opposition to stop the protests and demonstrations in the main streets of Tel Aviv, Haifa, Afula, Hadera, Netanya, Rehovot and many Israeli cities, the process failed and Netanyahu failed to satisfy the settlers and their leaders who were It is still inciting to invade the northern West Bank and occupy some cities such as Jenin and Nablus, but Netanyahu knows that it is a risky adventure, the failure of which will inevitably lead to the fall of Netanyahu's government and his going to prison.
The Biden administration was angry with the Netanyahu government for this act and this failure, which it considered would lose the authority's ability to govern and will hasten its collapse, especially after the occupation government's scheme behind the operation was exposed by striking the relationship between the Palestinians with each other and the rhythm between the Palestinians and their authority, which the Netanyahu government describes as a sick man who does not work with him any medications. Two days ago, (Joe Biden) described the Netanyahu government as the most extremist government since the government of (Golda Meir), and that in this government there are ministers he saw as the most extremist in his life, and they are part of the problem in the West Bank. The Netanyahu government called for the cabinet to convene the cabinet to discuss the relationship with the Palestinian Authority in the wake of the failure of the scenario of entrapment between the Palestinians and the deepening of the division, enabling the Fatah movement to redress the scene, unite the resistance effort with the Jenin battalion, unite all the resistance forces in the camp and the city, and prepare for the next confrontation with the occupation.

It seems that the occupying power wants to satisfy the Biden administration, at least to ease the American anger towards the Netanyahu government, by granting the Palestinian Authority some imaginary facilities that were announced by the government and rejected by the two ministers (Ben Gvir) and (Bezalel Smotrich), and nothing will be achieved because the Netanyahu government linked it to stopping the leadership The Palestinian authorities have decided to prosecute the occupying state before international courts and to stop the incitement to the occupation in the Palestinian media and curricula, as if Netanyahu, with some facilities, wants to put more shackles on the necks of the Palestinians and the Palestinian leadership. ) Nothing will be achieved from it, because it is impossible for the Palestinians to accept stopping the prosecution of Israel for its crimes, just as it is impossible for the ministers of extremism to allow that, especially Finance Minister Smotrich.

Netanyahu's failure in Jenin means that he will fail to stop the resistance in Nablus, Tulkarem, Balata or any other city. This is how it appeared to him that with some empty facilities for the authority he could lure the authority to restore relations with the occupying state to play a security role in the Palestinian territories by preventing any military operations targeting the occupation army and its settlers. Israel must understand that this has become a thing of the past, and it is Israel that has brought the scene in the West Bank to such a degree that we are now saying that the occupying power has a plan to dismantle the Palestinian Authority and replace it with regional rulers who work directly with the so-called civil administration in the West Bank.

The Palestinians know the goal of the occupying state in terms of any facilities today, and they know that the occupying state will not offer any political solutions or initiatives at this stage, because a political solution and ending the conflict with the Palestinians are not among the strategies that the government of extremism believes in, and they are fully aware that it is the Netanyahu government that has worked over the years to undermine The Palestinian Authority as the bridge that connects the Palestinians to the state, and the stage is ripe for the destruction of this bridge. Therefore, we have seen how Israel has weakened the authority by piracy on the Palestinians’ money, which threatens the bankruptcy of the authority, and we have shown how the occupying state has undermined the sovereignty of the Palestinian Authority in the cities of the West Bank and is doing everything it does to make it an authority without authority. And we still see how the Netanyahu government plans to expand major settlements in the West Bank and resolve the issue of Jerusalem and the West Bank in favor of the settlement project, annexation, and the imposition of Israeli sovereignty over more than two-thirds of the lands of the West Bank.

The story of strengthening the presence of the authority with some economic facilities by the occupation government is a scandalous story that will not come for free. Believing it means opening the way for the occupying state to implement the plan of decisiveness led by this extremist government and its basis is to get rid of the power for the sake of dangerous alternative scenarios. Perhaps this story today necessitates the Palestinian leadership A set of effective measures through which the occupation government confuses and embarrasses the international position that does not depart from the square of condemnations and expressions of concern about what the Netanyahu government is doing to the Palestinians for the purpose of creating a trend for positive intervention in the conflict and obliging the occupying state to stop all these extremist plans and stop the escalation in the West Bank, whether military or settlement, and accept return For negotiations on the basis of the resolutions of international legitimacy and the relevant references, what the Palestinian leadership must do now is to return to the decisions of the Central Council of 2018 and implement them fully and announce immediately the activation of the decision to form a unified national leadership to lead the confrontation with the occupation and repel the expected invasions again, which will not end, but will escalate within The next phase.


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The Netanyahu government and the story of strengthening the Palestinian Authority