Mon 12 Jun 2023 10:08 am - Jerusalem Time

The continued division of the colony

Four titles sparked the dispute between the far-right coalition government and ultra-religious Judaism, consisting of four parties: Likud headed by Netanyahu, Shas headed by Aryeh Deri, religious Zionism headed by Smotrich and Ben Gvir, and Torah Jews headed by Moshe Gafni, and between the three right-wing opposition parties in the colony, namely:

1- Revoking the powers of the Supreme Court so that it does not interfere with government decisions and executive orders.

2- Withholding the authority to appoint legal advisors from the Judicial Council, so that the appointment is the prerogative of the government, and therefore the appointment is made on the basis of a political party, not a professional one.

3- The appointment of judges is in the power of the government and not in the hands of the Judicial Council.

4- Withholding the power of the Supreme Court to interfere with legislation issued by Parliament - the Knesset.

Thus, the outcome of these amendments put forward by Minister of Justice Yelvin in the name of the coalition, and the work to legislate them with extreme right-wing and religious extremist Jewish tendencies, has eliminated the judicial authority, and the parties of the majority coalition through the formation of the government and the parliamentary majority are the ones that control the path of power in line with the government’s orientations and partisan interests. And it is tantamount to a political, legal, and procedural coup against all the accumulations that have been entrenched over the past decades, and made the leadership of the colony a product of the ballot box, ruled by the majority and submitting to the values ​​of pluralism, similar to what is prevalent in the European and American regimes, claiming that it is democracy in the Arab East.

The right-wing opposition continued its protests for the 24th week in a row with the aim of rejecting the legislation proposed by the government coalition parties, where the opposition parties consider: There is a future led by Yair Lapid, the official camp headed by Benny Gantz and Gideon Sa’ar, and Yisrael Beiteinu headed by Lieberman, as a coup against democracy, towards authoritarianism Far-right and ultra-Orthodox Jew.

The result of the 25 Knesset elections on 1/11/2022, as the third coup in the history of the colony, the first was the day of its establishment and declaration on 15/5/1948, and the second coup in 1977 when the Likud succeeded and took over for the first time the administration of the colony’s government, led by Menachem Begin, opening the door to Shamir And Sharon and Netanyahu to be heads of right-wing Likudian governments, which formed the ground and climate for the success of the third coup on 1/11/2022, and Netanyahu took over the administration of the government that was described as the most right-wing and extreme since the establishment of the colony, and therefore it is not a coincidence, nor in vain, nor an insult, that I donate to describe it as the most right-wing government Right-wing and extremism. Indeed, this description is the result of scrutinizing the content, behavior, and program of this government, Netanyahu's coalition government. Otherwise, what is the meaning of the continuation of these protests against it, even from the moderate right-wing camp that characterizes the opposition camp?


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The continued division of the colony