In our article that we published last Saturday under the title “Revolutionary Doctrine,” we had stressed the inevitable necessity for a true revolutionary awakening that includes a conscious and responsible self-review that would bring about a radical change in the mechanisms and management of revolutionary action, and is capable of dealing and addressing urgent, crucial and emergency issues in a methodical manner that serves The Palestinian cause and its fruitful and positive benefit at the level of liberation and getting rid of colonialism and its heavy burdens and remnants.
Today, through this article, and in order to initiate that desired change, which is a necessity and an urgent duty, we see that it is inevitable for us to carry out a process of rehabilitation and a process of renewal of the revolutionary theory “practiced” on the battlefield and the other paths that resulted from it for more than half a century, but it did not lead or reach Let us refer to the original goal for which it revolted, which is to liberate the country from the yoke of colonialism. Rather, in addition to its inability to achieve this, it was afflicted with pathogenic defects and paralysis that were left behind by various and different reasons, the most severe of which are: division over itself over the “sacred” it has, defining its content and understanding its meanings, in addition to The factor of time that went on and on until despair penetrated into the hearts of its supporters and sons, due to the lack of seeing a glimmer of light at the end of the dark tunnel in whose corridors the Palestinian revolution sank due to the many defects it experienced at all levels, and due to the closure of political horizons, the faltering course of liberation, and the divergence of methods and concepts of resistance in the Palestinian mind the one ; Things that had no foreseeable solutions in front of a solution colonial colonialism that worked and is still working to create a complex and complex political reality and a more complex and intertwined reality at the level of geography, and we see it striving to do so at the level of demography in order to complete and tighten its collar and make it firm and solid facts on the ground that would be very difficult Or with the time of dismantling or overcoming it - according to him - and it becomes impossible for partial and immediate solutions to the issue to find its spaces and opportunities even on paper instead of land and geography, and thus he has struck in the presentation of history every possibility of a case of building a Palestinian state, that is, a Palestinian state ..! And any possibility of a state of coexistence within one state for two peoples, as it is raised in the corridors of politics from time to time by unofficial circles on the main Palestinian and Zionist levels.
In the face of this rapid and simplified diagnosis, and through probing the revolutionary and health situation and diagnosing its diseases and ailments, and in front of our reading and follow-up of the colonial occupation approach and the development of its policies and extremism and the advancement and superiority of its tools, and in front of its octopus settlement expansion and its practice of the policy of soft annexation of land and control over it by the biblical colonizers and in light of its invasion of the Arab and Islamic world by way of Normalization tools And its balloons, which foreshadows an inevitable catastrophe that will exceed the catastrophe of the Nakba in 1948. What the reality foreshadows will be a collective and comprehensive “transfer” and the ethnic and historical cleansing of the land and the indigenous (Palestinian) human being. Confronting it is a Palestinian because the revolutionary split and divided conceptually, values and programmatically cannot confront a "unified" and biblical and colonialist reconciled with itself.
Here it is necessary to wake up and awaken, directly and quickly, from the slumber and blindness of the long-standing and intractable state (flagginess, brokenness, division, and fragmentation), and to stand with courage and heroism on the balcony of frankness and self-honesty, and to recognize the revolutionary failure, to exclude its causes and causes, and to turn a blind eye to the “stick of justice” at the present time to create and mobilize A new and healthy Palestinian revolutionary situation in all its material and moral components, and this can only be achieved through several contents, the most important of which are:
1- Inviting the Palestinians to convene a conference that includes all the Palestinian geography, the areas of the diaspora, and the immigrants from them in the corners of the earth.
2- Carrying out an in-depth and accurate research study of the rationale and methodology of the Palestinian revolution, tracking its path of resistance, standing at all its turns, and examining the reasons for its failure to achieve its goals despite the continuous work and effort.
3- Removing all areas of disagreement and sparing them from the arena of action, even until the time of “liberation” and rallying around the Palestinian “common” between all the formations and frameworks of the Palestinian people. One of the merits of the Palestinian cause over its children is that it possesses the “common” that neither argues nor butts over as a scapegoat, which is the “holy” Represented by the inclusive "homeland" and the requirement to liberate it from occupation as an inevitable duty of patriotism, religion, history, the human right to live and the reasons for existence.
4- It is very important to stay away from the fundamentalist ideological references, whether religious, secular, national or socialist, as they are totalitarian and radical, which rely on “dogmatism” as an arbitrator in seeking and implementing their interests, which makes them an area of contention between partners and holders of different ideologies among the Palestinian people. What is not expected to be, at the very least, before complete and comprehensive liberation.
Hence, it becomes necessary to formulate a comprehensive revolutionary theory whose common axis is “sacred” in the revolutionary understanding, and whose revolutionary and resistance creed is “comprehensive and complete liberation and the removal of the colonialists” similar to the modern global revolutions of Vietnam, Algeria, Libya, etc.., and is driven by the undivided goal that is far from fairness and quarter solutions and their tactics Phaseism, in other words (distancing from the experiment whose failure has been proven and its ruin and destruction in the body of the people, their revolution and their cause).
5- Building an inclusive structure for the Palestinian house away from factional and narrow partisan quotas and dividing the imaginary spoils.. Here we must emphasize the necessity of renewing and rehabilitating the PLO in the event that it is agreed to keep the name among the participants in the Great Palestinian Conference, knowing that it is healthy to look for A new name that serves as a new start that gives confidence to the souls who have despaired of the flabbiness, or even the extinction, of the foundations, components and machines of that “organisation”. Marawi is responsible towards this sacred cause that needs real heroes who accept change and renewal that are in the interest of the cause and move away or completely abolish the taboos and tomatoes (plural of Tamtam) created by the soft, flabby and retreating state of the Palestinian revolution over the decades of painstaking time.
It is necessary to impose new rules and a new and warm structure that gathers around the “common” and excludes everything that calls for division and stunting, and new mechanisms and work tools must be devised capable of facing a complex reality that is getting more difficult every hour and every day, and only with this can all Palestinians be re-enlisted around The original goal and then it is possible to mobilize the Arab world that has abandoned the cause because of its division against itself and because of the stagnation of its revolution and its sheikh, and then the distant world will come with the rule of unity of word, firmness of stance and clarity of vision, which in turn will together give true impressions and impose new realities, and will push the colonizer on the other hand to restore His calculations and the work of political reviews will have positive effects in favor of the Palestinian cause and its revolution..!
* Nafha prison
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Renewal of the Palestinian revolutionary theory