Official Palestinian media and the religious opposition are promoting that the next war with the occupation will be a religious war, which can be translated into an Islamic-Jewish war, and Palestinian analysts and sheikhs are divulging in declaring that it is a war of a billion Muslims against five million Jews, and I personally do not think that any of them uses this understanding to maneuver or for psychological warfare, but rather their belief that this is the essence of the Arab-Israeli conflict; Islam and Muslims against Judaism and Jews. And at this we stop and refute the following points:
First: Islam as a religion, and specifically the Qur’an of God, is not against Judaism. Rather, there are dozens of noble verses that praise it, rely on it, and quote from its Torah, Psalms, stories, and prophets. This is why the names of their prophets spread among us, Moses, Jacob, Aaron, Isaac Yunus, Joseph, and David...etc. But before Islam, such names were not, and none of the companions of the Prophet bore their names: Omar, Ali, Othman, Saad, Khaled, Abbas, Hamza, Sufyan, Jaafar, Talha...etc).
Second: Israel, which was established on our land seventy-five years ago, is not a religious state, and the two major parties that ruled it throughout its life, “Marach and Likud,” are not religious, and about a fifth of its population are Muslims who struggle against its occupation, and some enlist in its army and fight their Palestinian brothers. Of course, this does not preclude the existence of purely religious parties that have their weight and status and try to impose "Sharia" on aspects of life, such as pork, entering the Sabbath, and veiling women, and this is also present with us in varying proportions.
Third: Al-Aqsa Mosque, which today is trying to divide and Judaize it, is an integral part of Jerusalem, which was occupied fifty-six years ago, along with the rest of the cities of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. So do we exchange it, with its sacred importance, for the rest of the cities, in the sense that they give it to us purely in exchange for giving up Jenin or Bethlehem? And whoever says that the human right to life, liberty, and decent living is less sacred than Al-Aqsa. And who said that our next state will be a religious state on the model of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Pope in the Vatican.
Fourth: There is no country in the world that implements Islamic law, including Iran, which is called by name, as it, like others, does not cut off the hand of thieves, does not stone adulterers, does not impose prayers, does not charge five, and allies itself with the “infidels” in China and Venezuela, and in the last decade it confronted ISIS and al-Nusra. And even to Shiite factions such as the People's Mujahedin. While a Muslim country like Turkey has been ruled over the last two decades by an Islamic man, who maintains distinguished relations with the "Jewish state", and many Arab countries have established their own reconciliation with this country.
Fifth: This, of course, does not preclude the use of religion by some in wars, such as President Saddam Hussein, who, on the eve of the American invasion, placed the phrase "God is greatest" in the center of the Iraqi flag. And Hitler, in his global war against his brothers in Christianity, did not forget to draw the swastika as an emblem of war.
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The illusions of religious war that nest in the heads of those who initiated it