Tue 23 May 2023 10:08 am - Jerusalem Time

Occupation, division and corruption are interconnected infernal circles

Under the slogan "Occupation, division, and political corruption is a closed circle that feeds on each other," the AMAN Coalition launched its fifteenth annual report on the reality of integrity and anti-corruption for the year 2022.

It is clear that in light of the world's preoccupation with the war on the future of the international system, and the unprecedented economic crises that result from this conflict, and in light of the preoccupation of the Arab countries in their civil and inter-war wars, the successive occupation governments are racing against time in their open war against the Palestinian people in an attempt Among them is to inflict a crushing defeat on our national project and liquidate the cause of our people and their legitimate rights.

At the same time, the National Authority has failed, since its inception, to crystallize a vision of governance that links the tasks of completing national liberation, foremost of which is complete deliverance from occupation, with the requirements of democratic construction of a transitional system of government that should have paved the way for an independent state. It was clear from the outset that Failure in either of these two tracks will bring down both.

The essence of this connection is based on the pillar of building an effective democratic system capable of strengthening people's ability to withstand, and continuing to mobilize their energy in the battle to end the occupation, albeit with new tools and forms of resistance. This abject failure, in addition to the nature of the racist political regime in Israel, which completely rejects any recognition of the national rights of our people, was one of the reasons for the beginning of the disintegration of the national project and the failure of the possibility of realizing national rights through the settlement path, and what this led to in the withdrawal of broad social groups from the PLO The Palestinian woman, who was the most prominent victim of this failure, with what she represents as an unifying pillar for the leadership of national liberation.

The shaking of the relationship between the organization and the emerging authority in favor of an authority without a clear philosophy of governance, and even continued in the policy of appeasing the enemy, is the clear expression of this failure resulting mainly from the absence of that vision that governs the relationship between the national and the democratic and formulates the relationship between them in an integrated framework.

The division, the high pace of the struggle for power in light of the collapse of the settlement project and the absence of any review of the course of this settlement, and the insistence of the two parties to the division to turn their backs on the popular will by setting artificial conditions, has come to disrupt not only the political system and the system of government, but also the entire political life in the country, and it is almost He overthrows the entire national movement, if he has not overthrown it yet!

The link provided by AMAN’s annual report for the year 2022 perfectly shows the interdependence of the anti-national struggle elements represented by occupation and division, and how this generated the tyranny of political corruption, and the resulting other forms of corruption that are actually undermining people’s ability to resist, which is the highest priority and the most important task before us. With the aim of enabling him to continue resisting the plans of Judaization and uprooting that the occupation governments are racing against time to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

There is a popular consensus that Israel is the only beneficiary of the continuation of the state of division, and yet this consensus has not been able to make any breakthrough in this infernal circle that feeds each other, and restores the national cause from the clutches of this division and the corruption it generates that almost applies to the breath of the people in various aspects of her life.

AMAN's report was correct, even if it came years late, that the possibility of changing this reality and due to the interconnectedness of its infernal episodes has become more complicated, and it seems that the path of this change, which has already been alerted to and work to bring about a gradual, institutionalized reform to overcome it through what is known as the two-year plan to end the occupation And building state institutions during the era of the government of former Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, who returned and presented in July 2014 something like a road map that responds to the requirements of this connection and the possibilities of change, through a transitional government that takes it upon itself to strengthen people’s steadfastness and restore the democratic path by seriously preparing for elections, and unifying mechanisms National decision-making by restoring the pluralistic, coalitional character of the inclusive national institutions represented by the Liberation Organization as a national front that includes everyone and leads the tasks of national liberation. Numerous attempts were made to crystallize social movements for the same purpose, but the power of narrow factional and selfish interests, and the entrenchment on both sides of the division were stronger than These visions, jurisprudence and attempts succeeded in overthrowing it.

It seems that it will not be possible to succeed in achieving this except by returning to the people and mobilizing their energy through the formation of a broad popular front in which all patriotic zealots for the supreme national interests will join in order to achieve this goal, which clearly means the formation of a new national movement on the basis of recognition of political and intellectual pluralism within the framework of the PLO Confronting all forms of exclusion, domination, and exclusivity in the national destiny and available resources, and absolute commitment to the supreme national interests, foremost of which is salvation from occupation, and the direct interests of the broad popular sectors.

What it also means is that overthrowing the division and fighting corruption have become essential components of the national struggle against the occupation and its plans, and for the preservation of the collective identity and the fulfillment of our people's rights of return, self-determination and successful national independence.


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Occupation, division and corruption are interconnected infernal circles