Tue 23 May 2023 10:01 am - Jerusalem Time

Quds Day will come in Palestine

The colony can do whatever it wants, as it is protected by force supported by the United States and Europe, and here is the advanced economic Group of Seven, in its meeting in Tokyo, equates settlements with incitement to violence, and does not view the occupation of Palestine as an action, program, direction, and result: illegal, illegal. Humane, immoral, contrary to the values of the United Nations and its resolutions that they contributed to formulating, and with the right of peoples to self-determination.

The colony can do whatever it wants as long as the Palestinian division continues between the Fatah and Hamas authorities, between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and between the two joint and unified parliamentary lists in the 48 areas.

The colony singles out the Palestinian components, people, factions, and locations, and here it is, after imposing calm in return for calm in Gaza, moving to Balata camp in Nablus to be singled out, so it assassinates, kills, blows up, and explodes, and raises the martyrs, the wounded, and the detainees.

The colony can do whatever it wants after it succeeded, with the influence of the American administration, in setting off the inter-Arab wars that destroyed Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen, and now it is reaching Sudan, with violence or normalization, as both are part of the scene that makes the colony superior, instead of isolation and estrangement.

Ben Ghafir and the bastards of foreign colonialists can storm Al-Aqsa Mosque and desecrate it recklessly, and celebrate the anniversary of their occupation of Jerusalem, the first Qibla of Muslims, the journey and ascension of our master Muhammad, and the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In light of these facts, the colony can do whatever it wants, but it will not have continuity and legitimacy, and its expansionist colonial project will remain devoid of human values and moral standards, no matter how much they celebrate, no matter how much they excel, and no matter how much they kill.

Check what they said and wrote about their celebration of the "liberation of Jerusalem":

Akiva Novik wrote in Haaretz on May 21, 2023, an article under the title “Jerusalem Day turned into the worst day for the city,” which reads: “Ugly pictures on the sidelines of the celebrations of Jerusalem Day, racist songs, and manifestations of violence, all of this should concern all the organizers of Celebrations, Quds Day turned into a holiday for a specific sector: trivial and political.”

And Gideon Levy wrote on the same day and in the same newspaper, his text:

Quds Day is not a happy day, but a catastrophe day, a cursed day, the city was not "unified", nor was it "liberated", but rather it was occupied by force along with its inhabitants, as 40% of its population turned against their will into subjects of a brutal and racist occupation regime, so what Are we celebrating it here in Jerusalem?"

No one is under the illusion that force, arrogance, racism, and occupation will remain strong and victorious forever. Let us examine and remember the actions of the United States in Vietnam, France in Algeria, Britain in its colonies, and the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. It awakened and won with its sacrifices, actions, unity of forces and will.


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Quds Day will come in Palestine