Tue 23 May 2023 10:00 am - Jerusalem Time

The storming of Al-Aqsa and the entity's government holding its meeting at the bottom of Al-Buraq are messages of division, Judaization and recklessness

For the second time, the fascist bin Ghafir stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque and desecrated it in less than half a year, and his insolence and disdain for the Arab and Islamic nations reached its climax, by saying, "We are the owners of the house, and it belongs to us and no one else, and this place is of interest to everyone." With the feelings of the Arabs and Muslims and encroaching on their most sacred sanctities, and provoking all patriotic, national and religious feelings towards them. Rather, he told Jordan, the owners of the guardianship of Al-Aqsa, it seems that you have brought out the same previous paper of condemnation and denunciation, and he clearly says that you are not in my calculations .. and also in order to perpetuate the division of Al-Aqsa in time and space. It works to create sanctity and a Jewish life in it through religious substitution, transferring it from the purely Islamic sacred to the common sacred, and adapting the Palestinian, Arab and Islamic mind and “irritating” their awareness, considering what he and all the fascist thugs are doing in terms of orgies and incursions into Al-Aqsa and Talmudic and Biblical prayers are a right and a natural thing. He performed Talmudic and Biblical rituals alongside the head of what is known as the Temple Organization in the eastern side of Al-Aqsa... The goal is clear here to control the entire eastern region of Al-Aqsa, which constitutes a third of its area, so that the chapel of Bab Al-Rahma, whose area is (300 square meters), is controlled, and the establishment of A religious school on the entire square in front of it (500 square meters), and that the Lions Gate be controlled, which has become an unnatural focus on it in the recent attacks in order for the incursions to Al-Aqsa to take place through it, and this is what we have seen, after the success of Netanyahu and his government in holding the flag-dance procession in Damascus Gate Square, on Thursday 5/19/2023, raising what was known as the Temple flag, and chanting racist, transgressive, and fascist slogans and chants, “Death to the Arabs,” “Palestinians are children of prostitutes,” and “All Arabs are sons of bitches.” The rhetorical "jabs", screams, shouts, statements of denunciation, denunciation, and demands from the partners in the aggression against our people did not exceed America and the colonial West countries to curb the entity's state and stop its aggression against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa. Simha Rotman and others, not to mention that the minister from the Jewish power, Yitzhak Fareslaw, "was at the head of the groups that stormed Al-Aqsa, raising the flags of the state of the entity and repeating what is known as the anthem of the state of the entity "Hatikvah" and performing the rituals of epic prostration and others... These are the dull and limited responses that the state is accustomed to The entity, as well, although the entity state lived in a state of security and military alert and installed its iron domes, the sling of David and Gates in Jerusalem and throughout the land of historical Palestine, and mobilized more than 3,200 policemen and border guard soldiers, Arabists, cavalry and others, and closed the streets and roads and prevented the movement of Jerusalemites and their arrival to the area around Bab Al-Amoud, but it realized through the pressures and contacts made by more than one country and party, that the resistance will not fire missiles at the march, nor will it respond to the storming of Al-Aqsa, which amounted to (1284) extremists... Ben Ghafir and the government of the entity, and as a direct response to the thirty-second Arab summit In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and on the statements of President Abbas at the United Nations that the Jews have nothing to do with Jerusalem and on the threats launched by the factions... and as a translation of the projects and plans adopted by Jewish fascism against Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, we found Ben Gvir storming Al-Aqsa and performing Talmudic and Biblical rituals, and saying, "We are the owners of the house." Nor will the threats of Hamas, nor the resistance factions, and others scare us. Likewise, the government of the entity held its meeting for the second time in the Old City in the tunnels under the Al-Buraq Wall... This meeting was held in memory of what is known as the unification of Jerusalem. Because of the intensity of the conflict and the endeavor to turn it into a religious conflict affecting the entire region. Rather, they are messages telling the Arabs who held their summit in Jeddah, We do not value you and do not pay attention to your summits and the statements and positions issued by them. We translate our positions into actions on the ground, and we have told you well. You are the owners of rhymes, counterpoints, and verbal “clamors”... And remember when your Aqsa was burned in August 1968, at that time the Prime Minister of our entity at that time, Golda Meir, said that she did not sleep all night and was crying over the fate of our entity, fearing that your armies would come to end the existence of our state. But when the day dawned, I realized that you are just a sound phenomenon, and since that date we realized that you are also... The government of the entity held its meeting in the tunnels, to say that it has sovereignty and control over the city, and that it will not only be the capital of the entity's state, but for all the Jews of the world, and it is Sovereignty and control over it will be strengthened by more settlements, Judaization, expulsion, displacement and uprooting of its population, and by enacting more legislation and laws that change its character, identity, history and civilization.

Now, what is happening in Al-Aqsa and what is happening in Jerusalem, and what the entity state is planning in light of the growing fascism in the entity state, society and government, there is no excuse left for anyone to talk to us and fill us with statements of denunciation and denunciation and standing at the gates of international institutions and the White House. The Zionist project needs only clarity Palestinians and Arabs who suffer from the taint of political blindness and separation from reality, as well as the Palestinian, Arab and Islamic forces and axis of resistance, must stand up to their responsibilities, and pay attention to the statements and media interviews they make, that not translating the position, slogan and statement at the appropriate moment into action on the ground, this is It would create a state of mistrust, despair, and frustration among the masses, who place great hopes on them, and consider them to be responsible for defending Jerusalem, its sanctities, and the Palestinian people, foremost of which is Al-Aqsa Mosque, and we realize that the resistance does not deal with the entity according to its internal considerations or Emotional reactions, but there are situations that, if there is no intervention, would strike the factor of trust and credibility.

The entity’s project in Jerusalem is Judaizing, uprooting, expelling, displacing, ethnic cleansing, reducing the number of Arabs in the city to no more than 18%, and taking full control of the so-called Holy Basin surrounding the Old City, through a series of settlement projects, which it will work to Judaize and strip Islamic sanctity. Conclusion about Al-Aqsa, and transforming it through the policy of religious substitution into a common sanctuary, in a way that completes what is known as the rituals and ceremonies of reviving the moral temple, by building a synagogue instead of the chapel of Bab Al-Rahma and establishing a religious school on its yard, and including the Gate of Lions to the gates of storming and exit after the storming operations, and this will be accompanied by With the process of capturing the Palestinian curriculum in Jerusalem, and its total deletion, and the prohibition of raising the Palestinian flag in Jerusalem and considering it a criminal offense.

It is true that the entity is experiencing internal political, societal, and structural crises, and has entered the stage of no way out. The process of “merger and integration” in it against the backdrop of ethnic, racial, and class conflicts between its components is no longer possible, and we are facing a state in which two entities coexist...and these crises push its government, and in the forefront, its Prime Minister Netanyahu, to seek To export it, in order to fortify his political and personal future and prevent the collapse and disintegration of his government, so that he is not convicted of the charges against him before the judiciary of the entity’s state of bribery, mistrust and betrayal of trust, and it is true that he did not succeed in restoring the eroding deterrent force in light of the growing resistance forces and their build-up of strategic balances of power and laying down rules of deterrence New engagement equations are drawn, but this does not mean that the entity's state is on its way to collapse and entering a stage of civil war.

We are in a phase of continuous conflict and clash, which requires the mobilization of all energies and capabilities, in order for this Zionist project to turn into a private project and be defeated from our land.


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The storming of Al-Aqsa and the entity's government holding its meeting at the bottom of Al-Buraq are messages of division, Judaization and recklessness