Sat 20 May 2023 9:33 am - Jerusalem Time

Traditional education or dialogue between method and methods

Since ancient times, there is a need to acquire knowledge, and during the various decades, the methods of acquiring knowledge developed until it reached in modern times the use of new methods. Some of them are compatible with all environments, and some need special environments.

There is no doubt that everyone seeks to present knowledge correctly, so methods, means, and strategies of modern teaching appeared, which provided many methods that could develop the human mind and help it acquire knowledge, and these methods varied between mind-provoking and recipients who only try to gain knowledge. By memorizing and receiving, not by analysis and conclusion, and these two types of education appeared in abundance in modern schools today.

And between harmony between them or choosing one of them, given that these methods represent modern and classic theories in education, teachers see the need for all methods to develop educational abilities, using them according to the curriculum, and the nature of the information that the teacher wants to reach the student. As for choosing the appropriate method with the lesson, it depends. On the way in which the teacher wants to deliver information to the student.
The traditional view of the teacher was that he was the expert in transmitting information to the learners, and issuing directions and orders as to what they should do or memorize. However, the view of the teacher has evolved with the development of the role that he must play, until the teacher has become a coordinator and facilitator of the teaching and learning process, inside and outside the classroom, encouraging learners to search and be independent in thinking and judgment, and developing creative imagination.

The awareness perceived by the teacher about the method used in his teaching arises from his absolute conviction of the need to send positive shipments to students in the subject he teaches, and these shipments are awareness of the teacher in the correct manner that facilitates the process of information access to students, knowing it and using it, and they can excel in it as well.

Not only that, as the correct method of teaching results in achieving the goals that the teacher seeks to deliver, also achieving the acquired knowledge in a way that makes the students able to build on it cumulatively. And the right path that he follows to reach the facts that he releases for the sake of the students.

Dewey believes that the method and method has an effective and vital role in order to enhance understanding and comprehension of the student, which determines the level of mental abilities of the student, and through which individual differences are determined between students, as the teacher's method of conveying information parallels the general evaluation that the teacher follows in The beginning is to determine the students’ abilities and mental capabilities in comprehension, remembering, analysis and synthesis.

The teacher must use effective education and appropriate methods and methods appropriate to the students’ abilities and preparations, and the teacher must play the role of guide, personal trainer, expert and decision-maker, and be qualified to deal with the world of information and communication by possessing the appropriate skills to use the computer and the Internet, and practice the principle of setting a good example in front of his students and the school environment and its surroundings. and to be open to every useful new that enables creativity and innovation in the age of informatics, and to be able to manage the educational process effective and interacting with the technological environment

Therefore, the teacher should not adopt one method in teaching, not even one method, because this led to the student reaching a state of boredom. Using the same method in all tracks can lead to boredom on the one hand, and to complicate the curriculum on the other. Therefore, diversification in methods used, and to be individual, creative and innovative by the teacher, this supports the provision of information with a culture of awareness and experience that ultimately leads to real information that has reached the student who can include it in his life according to his need for it, as for the boredom resulting from traditional methods, this leads to the failure of the teacher first and the student Secondly, in understanding what is required of the curriculum, and the level of awareness of this subject is low.

In general, banking education is not rigid and authoritarian as Freire described it, and it is not a process of ignoring and clearing the mind of the student by injecting him with information without realizing what this information is, as it detracted from this type of education that lasted for decades, but it is a fact that produced the mental competencies that illuminated the way for this world. Achieving progress and prosperity, and here it can be said that there is a need for communication between the old methods that depend on the teacher as the basis of the educational process, and the modern methods that integrate between the teacher, the student and the curriculum and considering them as partners in the educational process.

Dialogue education contributes to solving problems and creating creative human minds, while the banker raises the level of problems and accumulates them because the mind here is unable to carry out the tasks of thinking, as it is used to receiving only, and therefore it does not strive to solve the problems it is exposed to in its life, so the society remains different waiting for Others provide solutions to the various problems they are exposed to. The challenge to solve problems creates an effective and innovative generation, and banking education creates a learning reaction and an extinct civilization.

That the two curricula exist separately, but that education in its general form has long been dependent on merging between what is dialogic in its entitlement to dialogue, and what is indoctrination in its reality, as the mathematics curriculum is not taught in general indoctrination, but is taught by storming the minds of students and eliciting results, as the issues are different. There is no room for memorizing it in the same way and mechanism, while the Arabic language, history and geography curriculum is taught by memorization and memorization, as there is no room for changing the poetic verse, the base, or the place of America on the map.

On the other hand, we do not wish to close the mind to accept everything, and follow a consistent approach that ultimately leads to the enslavement of a person without allowing him to express his opinion on the various issues that take place in his society. What is worth and unleashing creativity in the various scientific fields, as well as allowing the human mind to accept what can be accepted morally and reject what is forced upon it.

Accordingly, the mutual relations that arise between the teacher and the learner should be characterized by dialogue, interaction and exchange of experience, so that they go beyond the transfer of knowledge to the development of capabilities, the exercise of the powers of expression and thinking, the release of the powers of creativity, the refinement of morals and the development of personality as a whole. He trusts himself in organizing educational activity freely, and possesses the skills, abilities, and information that make him an educational researcher who contributes to solving educational problems knowingly and consciously. He must work actively in exploiting opportunities for his professional growth. its continuation.
In the end, it can be said that the educational process depends on the student's need for information and his desire to obtain it, and the teacher must ensure that boredom is removed from the students during the teaching process so that the level of comprehension, class interaction, and active participation.


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Traditional education or dialogue between method and methods