The President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, affirmed that the colonial countries, which bear a historical responsibility for the Nakba, must bear the responsibility of redressing the Palestinian people and ending their suffering.
President Abbas said in his speech at the United Nations on the anniversary of the Nakba, today, Monday, that Britain and the United States in particular bear a direct political and moral responsibility for the plight of our people, as they are the ones who participated in making our people a victim when they decided to establish and plant another entity in our historical homeland, for colonial goals. their own.
President Abbas officially demanded that Israel be compelled to respect Resolutions 181 of 1947 and 194, or to suspend its membership in the United Nations, especially since it did not fulfill its obligations to accept its membership in the UN organization.
The President stressed that the most important condition for achieving peace and security in our region lies in recognizing the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, the independence of their sovereign Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, resolving the issue of Palestinian refugees on the basis of Resolution 194, and the release of all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.
In his speech, President Abbas touched on the fabricated Zionist claims, which are trying to falsify the Palestinian narrative, which claimed that Palestine was a land without a people and should be given to a people without a land, and that the Palestinians left their country voluntarily in 1948, stressing that the truth is that our historical homeland Palestine has never been A land without people.
He added that Israel continues to repeat these allegations despite the published evidence and secret Zionist documents recognizing and acknowledging that the Palestinians persevered, fought and resisted forced displacement, and the latest of these evidences is the movie Al-Tantura, in which the Israeli soldiers who killed more than 200 Palestinians in cold blood admit their witnessed crime.
President Abbas pointed out that Israel is making other false allegations to cover up its aggression and crimes, and claims that its wars against the Palestinians and Arabs were defensive wars, asking: How is committing massacres, destroying villages, and displacing half of the population of Palestine in 1948 a defensive war?
President Abbas said that the biggest lie is Israel’s claim, and those who support it from among the colonial countries, that it is “Israel” the only democratic country in the Middle East, wondering: How can it be the only democratic country when it committed the Nakba of the Palestinian people in 1948, and occupies it since 1967, and it is the only country In the world occupied by another people.
President Abbas referred to another false narrative propagated by Israel and picked up by its supporters, without scrutiny or scrutiny, which is the claim that the Palestinians do not miss an opportunity in order to miss another opportunity, and that there is no Palestinian partner for peace, asking: What does it mean, then, for the Palestinian people to accept a state on 22%? Only from the land of his historical homeland, and recognizes Israel and prepares to live alongside it in security, peace and good neighbourliness?
In the context of talking about the Israeli narratives, His Excellency indicated that Israel says that it is celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of its independence these days, I just want to ask from whom did it become independent? And who was occupying it?
President Abbas stressed that the Palestinian narrative, related to the Nakba and the Palestinian cause in general, has begun to make its way to the consciousness of peoples and countries that are discovering the falsity of the Israeli narrative, through the efforts of our people, and with the support and assistance of benefactors in this world.
He stressed that the continuation of the Israeli occupation of our land and the imposition of the blockade on the Gaza Strip is the real reason for the continuation of the cycle of violence, and if the occupation is gone forever, there will be no justification for violence and wars.
The President stressed that Israel should not remain a state above the law, and if it and its partners do not acknowledge responsibility for this catastrophe, which it still denies, and responsibility for the massacres and crimes committed against the Palestinian people and their displacement, and the apology and request for forgiveness and reparation, and the implementation of all decisions of international legitimacy. Relatedly, the roots of the conflict will remain, and we will continue to demand our right everywhere, including in international courts, foremost of which is the International Criminal Court.
President Abbas affirmed that we are rightful owners. We have been here since the dawn of history, and we will remain here until the end of the world. This is the only bright truth that we deal with, and we call on the whole world to deal with it.
The President said: Our people have the right to live in freedom and dignity and to defend themselves, their existence and their national rights, calling on the United Nations to help them achieve their freedom, independence and full membership in the United Nations, implement the relevant resolutions, and live in security and peace, like the rest of the peoples of the world.
President Abbas stressed that we will preserve our national unity by all means and whatever the challenges, within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and adherence to international legitimacy.
President Abbas thanked the United Nations for its unprecedented historic decision to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, which Israel committed against the Palestinian people, after it had been ignored for the past years.
The President said that this decision represents an acknowledgment by the international organization of the continuous historical injustice and injustice that befell our people in 1948, before and still is, and it also constitutes the first refutation by the United Nations of the Zionist-Israeli narrative that denies this Nakba.
President Abbas expressed his confidence and hope that the United Nations will spare no effort to restore respect for the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights and remove the effects of this catastrophe, first by adopting it as an annual event that establishes it within a UN resolution, and deeming May 15th of each year as an international day to commemorate the tragedy of the Palestinian people. And secondly, by working to achieve the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people.
President Abbas concluded: The memory of the Nakba will remain present in our consciousness and as a beacon and motivation for our people until the end of the occupation and the achievement of freedom and independence, stressing that the occupation will end, and the Palestinian right will triumph in the end, whether it is time or not.
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President Abbas before the United Nations: Britain and the United States bear responsibility for the plight of our people