

Sat 29 Apr 2023 10:27 am - Jerusalem Time

There are those who want to hinder the movement of history

Despite the crisis of receding American hegemony, which is now entrenched by its policies by threatening countries that may lead to further escalation in international relations and increase international instability and security, there are those who want to preserve the concepts of colonialism and impede international transformations and the movement of history. That is why it was not surprising, a few days ago, the statements of Ursla van der Leyen, President of the European Commission, nor the statement of the US Congress on the "75th anniversary of the establishment of Israel," although some may have been surprised.

A statement and statements characterized by the continued presence of the colonial mentality despite the end of its historical era long ago, and by denying the facts of history and even of political geography, ... a statement that ignored even the mention of our Palestinian people or the reference to what remains of the principle of the two-state solution. Between abstention and opposition from progressive members of the Democratic Party only, on the "75th" anniversary of the establishment of the colonial occupation state. They have thus expressed the truth of their historical political positions, their interests, and the thought they believe in, without caring that this claim of independence has represented the Nakba of our Palestinian people, that full-fledged crime of ethnic cleansing and settlement, for which the world has not held its perpetrators accountable until today, ... positions that only serve The sustainability of the settlement occupation on the ground, and the continuation of crisis management policies without political solutions to the root of the conflict represented by the settler occupation and apartheid.

This is clearly expressed by the official West based on the determinants of what they call common values with the Israeli occupation state and the importance of its geopolitical position to their ambitions, as well as support for the continuation of the guilt complex of the "Holocaust" that accompanies Europeans and the obsession of fear of the Zionist movement or their involvement in it for various reasons.

In addition, what is going on these days are attempts to persuade the Secretary-General of the United Nations to adopt the practical definitions that he presented in recent years, specifically in 2016, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), composed of 31 countries led by the United States, so that criticism of Israel according to these definitions has been linked to anti-Semitism. And that was after the establishment of this coalition in 1998, as these practical definitions clearly indicate that any targeting of Israel or “the claim that the existence of the State of Israel is a racist endeavor can in and of itself be racist and anti-Semitic.” And that "the application of double standards by claiming that Israel is responsible for behavior unexpected from any other democratic country" is also anti-Semitic, and that questioning the validity of their account of the Holocaust crimes or not agreeing that it is a monopoly on what some Jews were subjected to during it at the hands of the Nazis, is an approach Anti-Semitic.

This, if approved by Secretary-General Guterres, despite multiple protests from international humanitarian and human rights organizations and their claims not to adopt it, will result in the event that the United Nations agrees to support the practical definitions of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, to encourage a number of governments and states to restrict legitimate criticism of government policies. The Israeli occupation, and suffocates the increasing calls to end the apartheid regime imposed by Israel on our Palestinian people, as well as calls for boycott. Which will lead to committing more crimes, and this is what is being prepared for through the early settlement plan that the occupation government calls for, and to perpetuate fallacies related to the possibility of combining the concepts of democracy, the Jewishness of the state, democracy, and the persecution of another people on the one hand, and on the other hand, strengthening the concepts of the official West with equality Victim executioner and unilateral procedures.

The claims of Zionism, whose ideology is not limited to the Jews, of anti-Semitism are not only based on showing the Jews as a victim of history, but also in order to ensure the colonial priority of the "rights of the oppressed Jews" in a homeland at the expense of our right to self-determination, we the Palestinian people.

The General Assembly of the United Nations had placed Zionism on the level of equality with racism in 1975, regardless of what happened later to cancel this important UN resolution in 1991 as a result of the political changes in the international system at that time and the uniqueness of America in a unipolar world system after the collapse of the Soviet Union, which we hope will change. again according to the course of the continuous movement of history.

The definitions of this international coalition that are consistent with the Zionist vision came in complete contradiction with democratic values and freedom of expression, and they violate all civil liberties as well as the principles of the emergence of the European Union itself. This became clearer a few years ago, when the Knesset passed a law defining Israel as the state of "the Jewish people scattered throughout the world," in return for depriving our Palestinian people of their right to self-determination.

Never in modern political history have we witnessed such attempts to falsify the facts and facts of history and distort the meaning of words that the official West participates in promoting to serve the intentions of an occupying and colonial power.

As the adoption of practical definitions of the concept of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and anti-Semitism gives the Israelis absolute legal immunity to continue their violations of our rights and of international and humanitarian law, as this definition completely ignored all United Nations resolutions and the United Nations Charter, as well as the principles of freedom of expression, which is what The racists Trump and Kushner previously worked to push for its formulation and submission to the aforementioned international coalition during their presence in the US administration, just as it was later and during the era of Biden, who is proud of his Zionism, that it was approved by the US administration in November of last year 2022 by the US State Department in an official statement. This administration and its predecessors, which did not provide anything actual regarding the implementation of the two-state solution or the settlement ban, and will only do to preserve the sustainability of the fait accompli and the continued protection of the occupying state, even in international forums, regardless of marginal differences with any of the Israeli governments, as is the case today for the determinants of the strategic and ideological relations between them. . Which will make the one apartheid state a fait accompli from the perspective of alternatives to other solutions, the first of which is the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on all the territories occupied in 67, including Jerusalem.

The paradox today is that the European far-right and those who call themselves neo-Nazis take a position in support of the Zionist movement and affirm absolute support for the occupying state to repel accusations of racism, apartheid and religious supremacy, despite all the division and disagreements that are taking place between the components of the Jewish settlement community today and the stability and clarity of the occupying state as an apartheid regime and the fall of marketing itself as a democracy. This may explain the old cooperation between the Zionists and the Nazis, which was established in 1933 through the "Haavara" agreement between them, to facilitate the immigration of German Jews and European settlers to the land of Palestine. That conspiracy that contributed to achieving this by exploiting the Zionist movement of hatred between the Aryan and Semitic races. And the hatred of the Germans for the Jews in the context of the title of its theory about anti-Semitism and the constant tendency to falsify the facts of history and obliterate the facts.

Despite what is going on now in their diverse Jewish communities of origin in the colonial occupation state, and for the first time in their history, voices have come out of them saying that the government of the fascist religious right is illegitimate and dropping taboos or postulates about which it was forbidden to talk about in the history of their Zionist movement about “sacred values”, it is now turning sharply between them . However, the sharp division that occurred through various forms of protest and chaos does not reflect fundamental differences from the positions of the political right, and even the extremists, regarding the issue of our Palestinian people, their rights, and the issue of occupation, which existed through all their governments, a number of which were considered "Zionist left" from the Labor Party and before. It has formed the axis of the Zionist consensus so far in antagonizing the rights of our people by various means, but they are differences that may have an impact on their internal conditions only.

What is required of our friends around the world and those who defend the facts of history and the rights of our people and human and democratic values and principles is to prevent the adoption of what was stated in the document of practical definitions of the International Alliance for the Remembrance of the Holocaust, if it was in the United Nations and in European parliaments as resolutions and laws, as well as exposing and condemning the statements of the President of the Commission of During the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, which came at a time when Europe itself was suffering from a state of political instability and unprecedented economic inflation due to its subordination to the policies of the United States.

The most important thing is that what is required of us today as Palestinians is not to bury our heads in the sand, but rather to confront those official American and Western European statements and statements that are based on the Zionist narrative and distort the facts of history. Considering it acceptable or useful for the path of our national liberation or for the relations of solidarity that bind the European peoples and even with progressive American and Jewish parties with the causes of our people.

As well as the need to benefit from the international majority in the General Assembly in order to re-consider the decision to equate Zionism with racism, especially after exposing Israeli policies and Zionist ideology based on substitution, racism and supremacy, and building on the decline of the influence of the United States, especially in the Middle East, in the face of what is happening in terms of changes that led to the failure of its projects that worked on attempts to achieve it.


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There are those who want to hinder the movement of history