The Hebrew newspaper Haaretz said, on Sunday, that what happened in the recent incidents of rocket fire and the proportionate response to it by the Israeli army indicates that all parties are not interested in violating the rules of the game.
According to the newspaper, the weak response from Gaza , Lebanon and Syria towards what happened in Al-Aqsa Mosque after the Israeli security forces lost their nerve and assaulted the worshipers there, along with the Israeli reaction commensurate with this weak response, and the silence of the Lebanese Hezbollah, proved that everyone does not He wants to deviate from the existing rules of the game.
The newspaper said: In the event that a greater escalation erupted at the time, the “guard of the walls / Saif al-Quds” scenario could have been repeated in May 2021, and the Israeli government would have been forced to take more radical and strict measures. as she said.
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Haaretz: No one is interested in breaking the rules of the game