The Israeli military government authorities are working to consolidate their settler-colonial regime in Palestine, which practices the worst forms of the apartheid apartheid system, where the Palestinian childhood witnesses a real tragedy in light of the reality of the occupation and the difficult living conditions within the privacy of the Palestinian society in light of the practices of the occupation and targeting, chasing and arresting children, instead of practicing joy Happiness, learning, knowledge and educational attainment The Israeli occupation continues to misery the children of Palestine, depriving them of their freedom, persecuting them and putting them in tragic conditions inside its prisons, ignoring all the international covenants and laws that guarantee their rights as children.
The Palestinian child was not isolated from the arbitrary Israeli occupation measures against the Palestinian people. Rather, Palestinian children are targeted and are at the forefront of the victims of the military occupation and its aggressive and repressive practices to form a basic strategy for targeting children through killings, arrests, torture, and storming of homes and educational facilities, despite the fact that children are among the groups protected under International laws and norms that provide for the respect and protection of their rights in a special and permanent manner, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Targeting Palestinian children with the aim of killing them and causing them temporary or permanent disabilities, constituted a consistent policy followed by the occupation governments through their excessive use of force, taking advantage of the policy of impunity and the absence of international accountability, as the occupation authorities arrest more than 160 Palestinian children and girls who are absent from the prisons and basements of the occupation, detained Inside (Ofer, Megiddo, and Damon) detention centers, with painful and oppressive living and detention conditions, except for children languishing in interrogation and detention centers and Israeli prisons.
The Israeli occupation authorities deliberately carry out many violations against child prisoners from the moment of their arrest, and the brutal way in which they are taken from their homes in the late hours of the night. Interrogation, arrest, keeping them without food or drink, using severe beatings, directing insults and obscene words at them, threatening and intimidating them, and extracting confessions from them under pressure and threat.
In addition to these violations, issuing sentences in absentia against them, which are often high sentences that may reach more than ten years and even life sentences and heavy financial fines, and depriving them of meeting lawyers and family visits, and of health care and medical treatment, and usually painkillers are the treatment for various diseases. Types of diseases.
In light of the continuation of this racism and the practices of the occupation against Palestinian children, the institutions of the international community, especially those that care for children’s rights, led by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), must exert their efforts and work with transparency and commitment to care for Palestinian children, provide them with legal and humanitarian protection, and preserve their rights targeted by the occupation The Israeli on a daily basis through the series of crimes it commits against them, including killing, arresting, shooting injuries, and breaking into homes and schools, without the slightest regard for their young age and innocence.
The practice of these anti-human rights policies must be confronted by international institutions, especially the International Red Cross, and intervention to end the suffering of minor detainees held in prisons that lack the minimum necessities of human life, and to hold the occupying power accountable for the crimes it commits against them, as they are subjected to severe and brutal methods of torture that are completely contrary to the Convention. the rights of the child" and for the dignity and humanity of children, and at a time when the countries of the whole world praise the treaties of children's rights and human justice.
Arab media ambassador in Palestine
Editor-in-Chief of the Palestinian Al-Sabah newspaper
[email protected]
Wed 19 Apr 2023 11:06 am - Jerusalem Time
Child prisoners in occupation prisons

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Child prisoners in occupation prisons