It seems that the Saudi movement on the Arab and Islamic level is no longer limited to what we have seen and are witnessing in terms of contacts and meetings to unify the Arab and Islamic ranks and end conflicts and differences before the Arab summit in Saudi Arabia, in addition to working on the independence of the Arab countries from the American dependence that contributed to the internal Arab wars and the sabotage of the situation. In several Arab countries, in addition to the looting of Arab wealth, especially the oil wealth, under various unfounded allegations.
Rather, the Saudi movement towards future prospects and the development of the Arab situation exceeded that to the Palestinian arena, which has been divided for about 16 years. On its strength, as if this force can resolve this conflict, which is faced with an iron will by the Palestinian people, who are confronted with an awl, as well as the Palestinian weakness as a result of this division.
For Saudi Arabia to invite a delegation from Hamas to it and at the highest levels after a rupture that lasted for several years, as well as to invite President Mahmoud Abbas at the same time to visit it. brute.
Although we expect that the two calls by Saudi Arabia, which come at the same time and today, that they will be to restore Saudi Arabia’s mediation to resolve the division and restore cohesion to the Palestinian arena that has drained the people and the struggle that has become individual by young men who have overcome the differences of organizations, especially the dispute between Fatah and Hamas, which led to what we are in. difficult situation on all fronts.
Our hope is great in Saudi Arabia this time to force the two sides to achieve reconciliation and restore national unity, which is the only way to achieve victories and restore respect for the Palestinian cause.
In view of what Saudi Arabia is doing to unify the Arab arenas on the basis of facing challenges and catching up with developments in the world, which confirm that American hegemony over the world is on its way to disappearing and that there will be an international order based on truth, justice, peace and the exchange of common interests.
Will Fatah and Hamas respond this time to the Saudi efforts and keep pace with the developments taking place in the world, or is the world around us on its way to change, including the Arab and Islamic world, and we remain as we are, which will destroy all the achievements that have been achieved through the struggles and sacrifices of our people?
History will not be merciful to those who do not respond to the call for unity, which has become more than urgent and necessary. Rather, it is an individual duty imposed on every Arab and Muslim.
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Does Saudi Arabia mediate again between Fatah and Hamas?